New Qt ?


I have a 55 gal with LR, 1 shroom, and 1 shrimp. Three of my fish are getting ick. I also have two 10 gallons that are empty. Instead of moving the fish, should I take all LR, the shroom, and shrimp and put them in the 10 gallons? I will have a filter or PH in each tank, and a heater, what temp does the water need to be for the rock and shrooms. Will this work better than moving the fish into the 10 gal. I have a YT and 2 damsels with ick, my two clowns are fine. IF I take out LR and shrooms, what salanity should i run that tank at.


Your strategy is similar to what I did, but I didn't have any LR in my tank at the time. Consider taking water from your current tank, and use it in your 10g. Move your inverts and LR to the 10g, and replace you display tank water with hypo water under gradual increments.
This situation would have to be applied for a month. Make sure there is good water circulation in both tanks.
For more on a hypo, read thread at top of this forum.