New Question - Water Storage

I am nearing the end of my first ever tank setup, this is to say the prep of everything before I actually begin to give it all a go and had a question I was hoping to have answered. I have purchased a RO/DI filtration system and am wondering what the thoughts and ideas are on storing 0 TDS water on site, I understand that from most of what I read people do this and I understand that but with my living situation I am wondering how hard it would be to filter the water on spot(when needed) instead of actually storing the water pre filtered. I should preface that my tank is 75 and that the RO/DI filter is set to work up to 75 gallons per day. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
It can be done but you need to plan ahead. I don't store RODI except for top offs. I have mine plumbed directly into my salt water container. I have a float valve to prevent overflows and a shut off at the RODI and at the SW tank. Then I mix the salt water immediately after I do a water change. My way of thinking is I want to have enough available for an emergency water change. That is my current set up. Prior to this I had 3 5 gallon water jugs I kept filled with RODI all the time. I used that water for mixing salt water and top offs. The problem I had was I am easily distracted and frequently forgot I was filling the jugs and a flood ensued. That is why I switched to my current system. I have float valves on everything and redundant shut offs.


Staff member
It does take a long time to actually get the filtered water. I used a simple kitchen garbage can to store mine and it worked fine. As Imfobis mentioned, you will need top off water, very likely daily. Its also good idea to have water ready for emergencies.