new reef hopefully need alot of help


where do i need to fix it?
new 29-30gal tank need help!!!! PLEASE
ok i have had my tank for about 3-4 months
this is what i got
heater- ebo-jager 100 watt auto
filter-whisper 40 power filter for 20-40 gall
I screwed up and got cruched coral
I have regular lights nothing special
about-4lbs of lr
8lbs of uncured
5lbs of base rock
blue cromis
domino damsel
striped damsel
perlucular clown
and the lsf was not sure what is was
but they said it might be some type of cardinal
it is clear with a red tint to it and has 3 black lines
then i have 3 hermits and a few snails that came off the rock
and this thing that looks kinda like a slug i dont really know what it is just kinda eats the alge and stuff off the glass it doesnt have a shell or looks like it doesnt it is a tan/brown color and has black dots????
it has also been spreading eggs making the fish go nuts it has done this twice now that i know of
tell me what will help this is my first tank and i am in a dorm room
i would like to do a reef but i will have to move everything back home once shcool is done wich is 20mins away
let me know
thanks guys


umm i am really not haveing any problems as of right now...i would just like to have an idea of what i need to make it into a reef tank and what filter i should get and lighting and that kinda stuff what do i need to get so i am not over loading it so....i can strat to work on a reef tank?


agreed, if you want a reef with corals and stuff you will need to make an upgrade on your lighting

Originally posted by SquishyFish
Get the best quality lights you can afford. The 3 levels are power compact ($150.00 or so), VHO (200.00 and up), Metal Halide (500.00 and up)

yes the lights can cost a good amount, but if you get a hood it wont cost anywhere near that. if you want to go reef i would go with VHOs. if you dont have a hood you can either buy one or look in the DIY area, its very easy and cheap (you can get one made for less then $50 for a 30g) and it will save you money on lights. for cheap VHOs, get a work horse 7 ballast, it will run you about $30 to $50 online, then you can either make a reflector or buy one (less then $20 to buy it i think). after that find the sized bulbs you need for the tank, being 30g i would say get maybe 2 or 3 bulbs. the workhorst will handle upto 220 watts, so that should be more then enough for you. bulbs will run you about 20 each, so your looking at about 150 or less for a nice vho setup. and there are DIY MH set ups that only cost you about $100, 160 with bulb. ill try to find the link for that if you want it. and good luck with getting it going, once your in reef there is no getting out :D


hey thanks so much man.....
but i am looking at making my 10gal a reef sorry about that so light the same but what do i get light wise?
and will it be any cheaper?
if its only going on a 10g, i wouldnt do MH, that could be to much for that small of a tank, and your going to have trouble getting VHO that small, i think the smallest they come is about 24". if its a standard 10g tank then go with PCs, as far as i know the workhorse 7 will work for either PCs or VHOs, so its the same price for the ballast, but the bulbs might cost you alittle more, ive seen PCs go for around 40 for a 24". just make sure you put a fan in the hood too when you put the lights in there, or atleast leave the back open to keep it cool, dont want to over heat it. most people go with 10 watts/gallon, so for a 10g 100w would be enough for alot of corals. good luck with your new tank, HTH.