new reef tank questions


New Member
Hi I am new to the list,
I have a 65 gal tank we strated about 6 weeks ago. we got live sandand about 45 lbs of live rock. I now this last week have two clowns a pair of fire fish and one wasse. I also have the hermit crabs and red leg ones too about 18 in all.. and four peppermint wanter tests are all great:)
my question is when can I add more? I want an anemone nd corals. I have a new light a sattilite with the two bulbs I don't know all the specifics but its suppose to be what the corals and anemones need.
when do you add them?
thanks for any info in advance.


First you need to slow down you dont need to add the whole ocean at once. If you are done with your cycle and the things you have added are not dead than you need to check what the requirement are for the things you want to add. If you want any anemone you need powerfull lights and PC will not work. GO SLOW your tank is new.


New Member
thank you and yes everything is doing great. I have the light coming and i wanted to add something just a little at a time though. , my tests are all doing good too no amonia,nitrites or nitrate. ph is a little low so go some marine buffer for that.
when looking at the picutres others are posting they have alot more i nthe tanks then me I just wndered if they were already established? I really enjoy the tank now we want a bigger one, ha must be additing huh:)
thanks again
Its always a good idea to add 1 fish about every 2 weeks, you must let your tank adjust to the new bioload, adding to many fish at once will sky rocket your paraments, which can stress or kill your fish, i would suggest taking it easy for a few weeks.
You might also want to buy more live rock, a good rule of thumb is 1-1.5 lbs per gallon of water, since LR is your biological filtration dont skimp on it. also a nice skimmer will help in keeping your bioload down.


Active Member
please slow dow. you should only be adding one or maybe two small fish every couple of weeks. Give your system time to catch up. you need to build up bacteria to handle the bio-load. keep testing and be ready to do a water change if things start to creep up. I would wait at least a 3 to 4 weeks before adding anything else.