New reef, wanting to add anenome


I know in this forum I'm going to get everyone supporting the idea, whereas in the reef forum I'd probably run into more doubters BUT...
I'm working on my first reef (75 gal) If I will add an anenome I want to do it before I get too much coral. Are there any real downers to having an anenome? I would like one for my clown (white stripe maroon) Once it settels in I'm guessing it'll stay put as long as water quality stays good and she's happy where she is. Many look at the idea of having an anenome in the tank as a pain. Why?


Active Member
The biggest reason.. they are capable of moving, and the difficulty factor in keeping one. Pristene water is a must, strong lighting and good flow. If you are planning on an anenome it is recomended your tank be established for at least 8 months. If you are planning on having a maroon host in it then the specimine should be at least 3 to 5 times the size of the maroon. They are highly aggressive hosts and are known to kill small anemones. There is no guarantee your anemone will stay where you put it even after a couple of months. Adding corals redirecting flow change in lighting schedule readily available food source as they are also considered filter feeders. All have an impact on weather or not your animal will stay put and happy. Hope this helps..


Active Member
I have a LTA in my reef tank with a pair of Clarkiis hosting it . Luckily it has stayed put since I got it 4 years ago and hasn`t hurt any corals . But you never know if they will move . If you are determined to have a nem with corals , I would put the nem in first and wait a year before adding corals . By this time the anemone should be in the spot it likes best . Just leave room for the anemone to grow . I`m sure I`ll get flamed for saying that , but I`ve had no problems .