I know in this forum I'm going to get everyone supporting the idea, whereas in the reef forum I'd probably run into more doubters BUT...
I'm working on my first reef (75 gal) If I will add an anenome I want to do it before I get too much coral. Are there any real downers to having an anenome? I would like one for my clown (white stripe maroon) Once it settels in I'm guessing it'll stay put as long as water quality stays good and she's happy where she is. Many look at the idea of having an anenome in the tank as a pain. Why?
I'm working on my first reef (75 gal) If I will add an anenome I want to do it before I get too much coral. Are there any real downers to having an anenome? I would like one for my clown (white stripe maroon) Once it settels in I'm guessing it'll stay put as long as water quality stays good and she's happy where she is. Many look at the idea of having an anenome in the tank as a pain. Why?