new reef


New Member
Well here goes...I am new to the reef hobby. Started my tank 10/12/2006.
Anyways I have a few questions. 1st...Just what is the best lighting for my tank? I have read EVERYTHING I think and LOTS of folks seem to swear Halide lighting is best. Maybe...but not the route I want to go.. There has to be just as good if not better out there.
I am just now starting to add corals and such. I have 2 green striped mushrooms and a bonus red mushroom..was attached to a piece of my live rock. Just bought a kenya tree and some brown zoanthids. I want to stick more with mushrooms, zoanthids, and definatly some others once I figure out my lighting. Any suggestions?
I have a 30 gallon, with about 22-24 lbs of live rock. A yellow tang, coral beauty, yellowtail damsel and maroon clown. A bubble tip anenome which the clown LOVES. 2 camelback shrimp, 4 nass snails, and my last purchase a lawnmower blenny.
I have had some green hair algea (not bad) but for the most part my tank has been going very smoothly for me, almost to smoothly it seems. :thinking:
all my levels have been very good, with the exception of my nitrates ( a little high)
I just started adding b-ionic comp 1 and 2 buffers. Have been adding calcium and iodine for awhile, but I don't seem to be having hardly any coraline growth really.
So I guess that brings me to my second and final question...
The lighting first and foremost and any ideas and or suggestions for me would be greatly appreciated, either on something I may be doing wrong iyo or something I might try to do differently. Thanks in advance all :happyfish


T-5 lighting may be the way to go if you are against using metal halide.
Do a search in the Lighting / Equipment Forum and you will find all the info on them that you need.


Active Member
30G is too small for a tang. Over all I would say your on the verge of pushing your tank beyond its tolerances with the fish you have
camelback shrimp eat coral.
a little more live rock couldnt hurt generally you want 1to 2 lbs per gallon
T-5 are nice lighting I use Power compacts myself and am happy with them untill I can afford Metal halides.


On the subject of your coralline or lack thereof, make sure your calcium is over 400. A calcium reading of 420-450 seems to be working for me. I'm generally at 420 and 430 and I notice coralline growth on my rocks.


New Member
Thanks for the quick replys and advice.
I was planning on going the t5 route...just not to sure what I can get with this type of lighting as far as corals. Everyone seems to say something different. (this includes all books, sites, stores, friends, family...everyone) I have found that discussing saltwater tanks,especially reefs seems alot like disussing religion or politics, not many agree.
As I mentioned I have had my tank set up since Oct. 06 and have not had "1" failure thus far. As far as my yellow tang, I got her as a tiny tiny thing and am going to move her to my 60 gallon as soon as its ready. I ended up with the camelback shrimp by accident, ordered 2 cleaner shrimp from lps and those are what came in. By the time I got them home and ready to acclimate pet store was here they are in my tank.
I'm not completely clueless to a reef tank otherwise I would not even attempt it...WAY to much money to just throw away.
Thanks for the corraline suggestions as well....I do have it on almost all my rock just has not spread much yet.
I am adding about 10 more lbs of lr or so. I bought several smaller pieces to get the look I wanted, so my tank actually looks fuller than what you would think lol.
Again, thanks for the suggestions