New Refugium & New Coral


Active Member
I got a new frag of Turbinaria tonight and just thought I would share a few pics. While I am at it here are a few pics of the new refugium I just set up as well. Belated thanks to Broomer & mlm for helping refine my plans from about 2 months ago!


Active Member
Here is the fuge. I have a Lifereef overflow box that flowis into a 20 gal that I partitioned into 3 sections. The first section is incoming water. The second section is LR, LS & macro algae and the last section houses my MAG 7 return pump. I have my heaters and protein skimmer in the fuge as well.


Active Member
I had the partitions cut to just a hair under the size of the tank walls then I used Dap aquarium sealant to glue them into place. Thanks for reponding!


Great refugium! I really like the design, and would like to do something similar with my tank. My problem is that my tank is a 55, and the only pre-made tank that will fit in my stand is a 10 gallon...really limits my ability to do what you did. :)


Active Member
We have an older house which is very drafty so believe it or not I have to keep 3 running to keep the tank temps consistant! When the wind blows they work twice as hard!
Mine is a 55 gallon also but luckly enough it rest up against our staircase to the upstairs. I drilled 2 holes in the wall behind my stand and ran the two hoses into the refugium tank which I set up in the cupboard under the stairs (like in Harry Potter). Thanks for the kind words!


Active Member
I just visited your website, it's great. That tank has really come a long way. The fuge looks really nice as well.
PS The Turbinaria frag looks good too, but that goes w/o saying.


Active Member
Thank you very much! I am hpoing to upgrade to a MH/VHO combo soon so that I can add a lot more Acros. The SPS frags I have now are struggling under the PC! Take care and thanks again!