New Research says fish feel pain


Active Member
Thought this kind of fit in with our "responsibility" issues we've been discussing.
LONDON, April 30 — Anglers take note — British scientists say that after years of debate, they now have proof that fish feel pain.Animal activists are on the warpath after a study released on Wednesday showed how rainbow trout react to discomfort. They condemned fishing as cruel and demanded an end to the sport — but anglers themselves dismissed the study.
‘We would encourage anglers to lay down their rods. It’s ridiculous that in 2003 we are still talking about whether fish feel pain — of course they do.’
PETA THE RESEARCH FOUND that fish have receptors in their heads and that subjecting them to noxious substances causes “adverse behavioural and physiological changes.”
“This fulfils the criteria for animal pain,” said Dr. Lynne Sneddon who headed the research, published on Wednesday by the Royal Society, Britain’s national academy of science.
Bee venom or acetic acid was injected into the lips of some of the trout, while control groups of fish were injected with saline solution or merely handled.
The trout injected with venom or acid began to show “rocking” motion — similar to that seen in stressed higher vertebrates — and those injected with acetic acid began rubbing their lips in the gravel of their tank.
“These do not appear to be reflex responses,” Sneddon said.
The affected fish also took three times longer to resume feeding activity compared to those in the control groups.
The team from the Roslin Institute and the University of Edinburgh found the fish had polymodal nociceptors — receptors that respond to tissue-damaging stimuli — on their heads.
It is the first time these receptors have been found in fish. They have similar properties to those found in amphibians, birds and mammals including humans. (MSNBC article)


yeah , still in 2003 they are researching and wasting money and killing fish. Sometimes it is better to use Common Sense. Next research will be does corals feel pain. :D


A simple solution to find out would be letting a Physicist and Biologist to agree on "Every action has a reaction by newton". If both agrees on this then it will show that if you feel pain from fishbite then the fish will feel the same from your bite. :D


give me a break....
do fish feel pain, yes, i agree they do.. will i stop fishing... absolutely not!! will i stop eating meat?? absolutely not!!!
Next question, do plants feel pain? and if they do, what will we then eat??


Sorry about misunderstanding. I was just talking about the fish feel pain and scientist researching things like those by wasting money.


Active Member

Originally posted by kgrimes
There are SOME causes that really do deserve your passionate dedicaton!

I've always keep my religion out of these threads, but I've been a Buhddist since 1994. Those "SOME CAUSES" that you alude to Mr Grimes, are just as important and passionate to me, as the "ONE CAUSE" that you are refering to is to you. As far as PETA making people cringe. Heck ya they do, their ignorant bullish ways of promoting their beliefs make every other vegatarian, and animal activist look like crap.


Hey Pastor Kevin,
I've been reading your posts for a while, and that is the first time I have ever seen you get "preachy." (occupational hazard, I guess)
While I admire your conviction, and certainly respect your beliefs, I think that you might be treading on an OT thread that could go ballistic if we're not careful.
On a different note:
I will say this to defend the research that is being done. Often times researchers must understand much simpler animals, to apply their findings to humans. If undertsanding the root cause of pain in fish may lead to the elimination of pain in humans I'm all for it! Most of this research is privately funded, and yes some of it is funded by our government, but the research budgets of NSF, ONR/AFOSR, NASA, CDC and others is a miniscule drop in the bucket compared to the money spent on publich health, medicaid and medicare. Smarter, more effective, cheaper medical treatment is the endgoal of most medical research.
This country does not invest enough money in true research. We are falling behind the rest of the world in scientific circles. Don't be too quick to judge research efforts that seem outlandish, you may not appreciate the breadth of their applicability.


I agree on if the research is done to save humen life, but not to see if fish feel pain or not, so that some group can go out and hurt people that hunt whales or do fishing.


Active Member
Kevin believe me I agree with you. I just think the ways we would go about solving it would be different(or maybe not) but hey were way OT.:D


Nah, they weren't hurting the fish to hurt the fish. The study is basic neuroscience. In the nervous system there are small nerve endings in the skin and other tissues that respond only to strong stimuli, such as a pinch. These are called nociceptors and when activated, they transmit signals to the brain that can lead to pain. This leads researchers to understand how pain occurs and how nociceptors can be altered after injury, resulting in improved methods of pain relief. NatureLover: this is how researchers discover how and why pain medication works, how to create novel drugs, and how to improve on what's already available.
KGrimes: "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein


Active Member
Kevin I agree with you, but that's another bb. The article just made me wonder how many of us posting about being responsible aquarist are also into fishing. How many of us research, study and won't hurt our saltwater pets, but will happily throw the line in the lake or ocean to see what we can get to bite?


lillylegs i know what you are talking about (neuroscience ) and the study on fish is in no way related to finding a cure for human related. It's just a waste of money.



Originally posted by Wrassecal
Kevin I agree with you, but that's another bb. The article just made me wonder how many of us posting about being responsible aquarist are also into fishing. How many of us research, study and won't hurt our saltwater pets, but will happily throw the line in the lake or ocean to see what we can get to bite?

in response to your statements....
If we take our tank inhabitants and are irresponsible with them, we have to go get more from our reefs in order to sustain our hobby... but if we ARE responsible, we should be able to keep alive as much as possible as not to waste un-needed reef life...
As far as fishing, the same is the case. Take and kill only what you will consume, and only what is within the fish and game regulations.
Both of the above will ensure that our natural resources are able to reproduce in numbers great enough to sustain itself.
So, in response to your statement, being a responsible aquarist is just as important as being a responsible fisherman. We should be able to use our resources, but we need to preserve our resources for future generations.
This goes with harvesting all the pretty little fish and coral for our tanks, as well as the dolphin/mahi mahi and kingfish in our seas (caught last weekend and consumed.... except for the smoked kingfish i am waiting to get back tomorrow :D ).


Active Member
WOW! Nice catch:D and point taken. I'm pretty much landlocked so we fish lakes around here....Not everything we catch is eating size, so there's the ol' pull out the hook and throw it back in....Did you use live bait to catch those? I use the four B's of fishing. (Nice) Boat, (good)book, bait and budweiser (I think my Okie is showing)....but I'm even starting to look at minnows in a different way. But, yeah the lakes are stocked, the minnows are tank raised, but I'm going to be feeling a little guilty when I go out fishing this year after making sure my sw babies are well taken care of. But I guess that's what the Bud is for;)



Originally posted by Wrassecal
But I guess that's what the Bud is for;)

lol, ever seen drunk frog? thats what bud is for, to see the froggies yelling BUD!:D lol:D :D :D


thoese were caught trolling at around 100 feet, (around the third set of reefs) off of boca. we trolled strips of bonita caught a few weeks earlier.



Originally posted by CheerFlip1
I don't understand as to how there could be any doubt of whether or not fish feel pain...

There is actually considerable doubt. IME, the baitfish used squirms when hooking it though the back and doesnt really budge when hooking though the nose, mouth area. the bait also lives longer when hooking in the nose.


i like the four B's of fishing... by the way, did you know what boat stands for?? Break Out Another Thousand....
is there anything like that for a tank?
Tossed Another Needed $K...... ok.. bad