new rock can i mix live and plain rock?


:notsure: i am curious if i should mix live rock with rock that isnt live. I cant afford to buy what i need at 5.99 a pound right now and raise 4 kids at the same time it hurts the pocket . Im torn between buying small quanitys at a time or buying plain rock mixed with live . please give me some suggestions if you would. have a good day ...lucky


Active Member
If it's dead rock, ie live rock which had died off due to being out of a tank for a long period, then by all means, add it.
The rock becomes live due to it's porosity and ability to establish and hold bacteria necessary for the nitrogen cycle. Other life will eventuall populate the 'dead' rock and you won't know the difference. I was fortunate a few years ago to get about 40 lbs of dead rock for 2 bucks a pound. I would challenge anyone to identify those pieces in my tank.
Good luck!


Active Member
do a search on hawiain base rock, i plan on adding some to my tank, along with the live rock i already have, and the diy rock i made out of cement and oyster shell. There is a nice thread in the diy bb on how to make it, and it looks great in the tank when done.


Active Member
Yes, you can add any non-live rock, and eventually it will become live. Suggestion: Go to a landscaping store and buy some lava rock from them. Add that as your "Base Rock". Boil it before adding it to the tank, just to make sure its clean. Then add your LR on that.