New Sabae


alright i got my son a nano cube for xmas but have had it set up for about two months now- I just got him this a small Sabae anemone and am trying to feed it some small sliverslides but the clown that I have in their is already hosting and throws out the sliverslide- any ideas? and how often should I feed it?


Active Member
ok there r a lot of problems already. nano cube lighting isnt enough for anemones, and anemones like water that is at a minimum of 6 months old. and they eat once a week. i made that mistake too adding an anemone to my tank when it was only like 1 month old. it died after 3 or 4 days. and it really messes up ur water.
if i was u i would take it back and get one 5 or 6 months later. with additional lighting.


the water live rock and live sand were taken out of my own tank that has been runing for 2 years now and its only and 8 gallon so the light is sitting pretty much right on top of the anemone
The big problem is not the lights or how mature the tank is. It is the size of the tank. That size of a tank can't handle the bio load and long term life of any hosting anemone. A sebae gets to 18 or more inches wide.
If you want your sebae to live more than a week or so, put it in a large, mature, and well lighted aquarium.