new salt tank


New Member
Hello, it has been a long time since I had a saltwater tank but I have decided to give it another try. I set the tank up yesterday morning. The water is at the right temp and sal. It was cloudy at first then settled as I figured it would. However today when i came home from work it was, and still is, very cloudy. I can't even see the back of the tank. There is also a very nasty odor coming from it. Now I know it takes like forever to get the tank to cycle but i dont remember it ever smelling this bad. Anyone haveany ideas or should I just leave it alone? Any help is appreciated.
thanks Chris
will be fish
has live sand
no rock yet


New Member
Im not sure i remember the name of it, I think arag-alive or something. I also have three damsels in there, i was told they would start it.


What type of filteration and powerheads do you have?
2 raw cocktailshrimps would have been a better way to start the cycle, so the fish wouldn't have gill damage from the Ammonia and Nitrites Levels....


New Member
I have a protein skimmer and another hang on filter from a previous tank, i dont recal the name.


I would get 2 powerheads and put them one on either side of the aquarium. How is the aquarium smell now?
Also Welcome to the forum.


New Member
i will get the powerheads today, the smell is still there and water is still very cloudy. Did test today just for the heck of it.
Ph is low about 7.8
everything else still at 0
thx for the help


The only thing I can think of is that it's the type of sand that you used.....
The cloudiness will settle on it's own.


Active Member
It is probally from the sand unless there was some other kind of contaminate in the tank before you set it up.
Did you clean the tank?


I would get the powerheads going... if there is a smell then something is decaying... you are also seeing a low pH which also suggests the same... To keep the fish from too much unpleasantness you could try a 10% water change but otherwise leave it alone... If the fish die dont add more until the cycle is over... (search initial tank cycling) If you can you might give the fish to someone who can hold them for you for a while otherwise just hang in there... things will work themselves out... if your tank was already cycled Id recommend carbon too... but ...