New saltwater hobbyist


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Xcali1985 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/40#post_3457185
That is a form of cyano bacteria, it is normally caused by excess nutrients, light, and low flow.
Research Blue-Green Algae
Step 1: Siphon as much of it out as you can, out of the tank.
Step 2: Increase Flow
Step 3: Decrease the light cycle
Step 4: Locate and Reduce Nutrients
Step 5: Slowly Increase light cycle
Emergency situation: Use a chemical made to remove this, however, this is just a temp fix and if Issues 2 and 4 aren't addressed it will return. A chemical that will remove it is a Red Slime Remover as they are of the same make up.
Assessment: I would say that you probably have a dead area in your tank that is allowing nutrients to settle and is feeding it. I have removed it in the past with a turkey baster, adding a powerhead and a boost in my clean up crew.

Why worry about cyanobacteria during first cycle? Slime algae on only the base rock...could be just algae, not cyano. Turning off the lights and water changes like he is doing should be fine for now, no matter which it might What do you think?


lol decrease light cycle when i havn't even been using lights. but i will do the water changes when needed and wait for it to cycle to finish before i add anything is what i meant to say Flower :)


Nice looking tank .I really hope everything works out for you...
I used perfect spelling and punctuation.


Oh, that was just uncalled for...but true
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/20#post_3456947
Please, please, don't get mad at me for saying this. I know you want to help and be taken seriously.
There is just so much information a person can absorb at any given time. You can't dump 6 months worth of information on somebody who is just getting a grasp of what a nitrogen cycle is. Not to mention I personally never had a "cycle of green algae". Hair algae is not the most common form of such a "cycle". If a two year old asked you where they came from, would you dump the entire cycle of life from conception to death on them, with the details of the worms working in the dead body? That's sort of what you did.
I am not the grammer police, spelling police or any other mean spirited person insisting on perfect sentences. HOWEVER....the run on sentences you use, and the one huge paragraph makes for very difficult reading. Then add on the small mistakes we all make (that I crossed off for you in my "fix") and you have an unreadable mess. If you want folks to read what you write, you have to at least split the paragraphs so we won't develope a headache. I think Slice already told you about that.
The way to split the paragraph is to start a new one with each new thought. So as soon as you make your point on one thing, and move to the next....begin another paragraph.
The way to prevent run on sentences is to reread what you wrote outloud. When you take a breath, a comma goes there. When a short point, or question is made, a period or question mark goes there. When you begin the new sentence, a capital letter is attached to the first word of the sentence.
I'm not even sure I have it correct, but it's the way I always write. I have not had a complaint yet. This is the only "English lesson" I plan to give EVER..... I feel really bad for doing it this time, but I felt I had to say something.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lngliv3 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/60#post_3457224
Nice looking tank .I really hope everything works out for you...
I used perfect spelling and punctuation.
LOL... Will I be teased about this for all time?
MWeezy2011, Do you have power heads running? Cyanobacteria is a nasty (usually) red slime but it does come in icky green too. It is the result of bad water, low flow and or overfeeding. It developes like a mat and it lifts up as one piece and breaks apart easy. If you fan your hand in front of will lift up like a little mat, sometimes it has bubbles under it. With the constant water changes, and the good readings on your water tests, I don't think you have a problem, but if you don't have enough could be. However if you don't have lights on...I don't see how any algae could grow. Where is the nearest window?


Hey, sorry guys i was at a friends drinking.Flower, I have windows on both sides of the tank but this side of the house doesn't get direct sunlight and i have 2 power heads u can see them in the picture im going to be buying a third one soon and a "newer" device from hydor to plug them in and i can change the flow on them. Turn one on and the other off, both on at the same time and turn both off with the turn of a knob. And i don't think its that kind of algae Flower. Its just a light green color hardly noticable just a green tint on my base/live rock. My ammonia spiked just like you said it would :p. back up to .25 ppm! I will be doing a water change first thing when i wake 5 hours. I will keep you guys posted tm. Thanks again for all your guys help! :) Good night to num num and racer ( my clownfish ) lol


I would have done a water change before you went to bed, that ammonia level could easily kill your fish in the 5 hours your asleep, I hope they are ok when you wake up!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/60#post_3457322
Hey, sorry guys i was at a friends drinking.Flower, I have windows on both sides of the tank but this side of the house doesn't get direct sunlight and i have 2 power heads u can see them in the picture im going to be buying a third one soon and a "newer" device from hydor to plug them in and i can change the flow on them. Turn one on and the other off, both on at the same time and turn both off with the turn of a knob. And i don't think its that kind of algae Flower. Its just a light green color hardly noticable just a green tint on my base/live rock. My ammonia spiked just like you said it would :p. back up to .25 ppm! I will be doing a water change first thing when i wake 5 hours. I will keep you guys posted tm. Thanks again for all your guys help! :) Good night to num num and racer ( my clownfish ) lol
I hope they made it through the night as should do the WC as soon as you notice the climb. If you have a light green tinge on the's just plain ole algae, a normal part of saltwater tank keeping. You said you have no lights on the algae is getting light from another source...not a good thing.
Heavy curtians are in order, it won't matter if it's direct sunlight or not. If it is feeding algae you don't want it. That kind of light from the windows will feed hair algae...I know this because it did on my SH tank. I had a power outage for 4 days and opened my curtains to get some light in the room so the horses would eat. It doesn't get direct light either.


Alright Flower and we got extra heavy curtains around the house we will just change them thanks :) and i did the water change at 10am so I'm gonna check the readings again should be good... i hope! The Clown fish r swimming around more tho ive noticed when the ammonia gets to .25 they tend to go to the back corner of the tank but when i do a water change they swim around! Observation FTW! I'll keep you posted:)


I meant snake not shark. I don't think you liked how it felt when he criticized you did you? We need to look at what we are trying to do on this form. We are here to help people. We don't need to be criticized. You commenting (it was uncalled for but true) makes you involved with the whole thing which is unnecessary. The only thing you contribute in this thread is to comment on that. Let's keep on topic and assist with helping this person me and flower resolved our differences and moved on.
lilclowns, I told you to do more research before you give misinformation to new hobbyists.
Originally Posted by lilclowns http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/60#post_3457450
Lol, what's that mean?


Well-Known Member
I heard my name called!!!
Lilclowns is cool with me. I like people who are trying to help, but I really feel like the information given should be well researched first. In any case, thank you for sticking around and becoming a regular poster.