New saltwater hobbyist


Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/60#post_3457438
Alright Flower and we got extra heavy curtains around the house we will just change them thanks :) and i did the water change at 10am so I'm gonna check the readings again should be good... i hope! The Clown fish r swimming around more tho ive noticed when the ammonia gets to .25 they tend to go to the back corner of the tank but when i do a water change they swim around! Observation FTW! I'll keep you posted:)
Just make sure that next time as soon as you notice your ammonia getting high, change your water! Waiting just overnight like that could kill your fish, or make them very sick!


Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted here but my tank is starting to grow! :) So here's another question my 2 clownfish will swim on my purplish/greenish algae on the rocks and my coral beauty angelfish every now and then will swim up and seems like he's bullying them almost like he trys to nip them but idk i don't understand why because I did research and they arnt aggressive fish so can someone help me out here please? It would be much appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/80#post_3472786
Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've posted here but my tank is starting to grow! :) So here's another question my 2 clownfish will swim on my purplish/greenish algae on the rocks and my coral beauty angelfish every now and then will swim up and seems like he's bullying them almost like he trys to nip them but idk i don't understand why because I did research and they arnt aggressive fish so can someone help me out here please? It would be much appreciated :)
How long has the angelfish been in the tank? They may be just establishing territory. As long as you are not seeing torn fins or wounds, they are not actually fighting, just showing each other who is the boss.


CBs are semi-agressive. Mine's extremely agressive. If he's messing with them too much, change your rock formation around. Doing this confuses the territory lines and can make the CB stop reacting like that to your clowns.... Can't tell you the amount of time I've spent with my arm in the water moving rock on every new addition. Thus far it's worked like a rather aggravating charm. LOL


Lol I bet it seems like a pain but I don't want my fish to end up hurt or dead so if that's what I must do then that's what I must do thnx a lot! I may have to wait awhile tho bc I don't have any coralline yet


Another question I have is regarding the coralline algae or whatever like I have algae growing all over in my tank it looks like the green algae that grows that's bad but has a purplish tint to it is it good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/80#post_3473186
Another question I have is regarding the coralline algae or whatever like I have algae growing all over in my tank it looks like the green algae that grows that's bad but has a purplish tint to it is it good or bad?
Very hard to say without pictures. Coraline is very hard and crusty like the rock itself, and it takes a long time before you see it really growing in the tank.. So try and scrape it with your finger nail, if it comes off easy it isn't coraline. Coraline will grow on plastic before anything else, so look at your power heads. It also comes in many my reef the orange became red, the yellow turned green, and the pink turned blue or purplish. My rocks were dominated by the velvet red coraline and only had a few rocks that were purple.


Well-Known Member
I think because of my deep blue lighting, my red coralline has dominated my rockwork, glass, and plastic things in my tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/80#post_3473302
I think because of my deep blue lighting, my red coralline has dominated my rockwork, glass, and plastic things in my tank.
You think it was the lights? I was thinking it had to do with water chemistry...for example if there was more iron. I never really knew why I had more red than purple. Red was dominant in mine as well. I had MHs 10K 175w X 2 and 96w X2 actinic.


Well-Known Member
Could be. I have never had really blue lights until recently and that's when my red coralline has taken off. I usually use 10k metal halides with t5 actinic supplements like you.



Hey guys this is what the algae looks like i think it looks bad haha but let me kno if its bad or not. I dont want to take out something thats good for the tank thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/80#post_3473850
why am i getting red slime?
Lots of causes...#1. you have too many nutrients and phosphates, without this cyano can't exist. To do a phophate test will just give you a false negative because the cyano is feeding on it.
Low water flow, that means that the extra food or whatever is settling in a certain area..... increasing the water flow to the area will stop the stuff in the tank from pooling there.
Poor water quality...use only RO water, no tap or well water, it has extra stuff in it fish and coral do not need, but nuisance algae and cyano feeds on it.
This goes with #1...overfeeding.
Water changes and removing the cause are the best solutions. You can get a product to remove red slime..HOWEVER, unless you get rid of the cause, it will keep returning and soon the stuff is immune to the remover....then you have a real problem.


Thank you how much water flow should I have I have a 750g power head I was contemplating on. Buying another what do you think? 92g bowftront tank btw


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/80#post_3473978
Thank you how much water flow should I have I have a 750g power head I was contemplating on. Buying another what do you think? 92g bowftront tank btw
Okay...I'm going to give you the Flowers wave test method..LOL
Get a stick and a piece if plastic ribbon (like on kids bicycles) attach the ribbon to one end and then move it around in the tank to test all the different areas. Some areas will have very strong flow, and some less, but all areas of the tank need to have some kind of flow. If the ribbon drops...that is a dead spot, you need to adjust your power head or purchase another one so that all areas have flow. Bowfronts are hard, it seems you either blow everything away or not enough flow.
I have added flow to my tank with a nano PH...size is not what matters, it's the water flow current you are trying to create. You want one strong enough to do what you need it to do, without blowing everything in the tank to Kingdom come.