New saltwater hobbyist


Well I have 2 power heads the one is the older style and the the new 750g so I think I might buy 2 more 750g powerheads I just cleaned all my filters and got rid of a crap load of the red slime I hope it goes away
Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/80#post_3474043
Okay...I'm going to give you the Flowers wave test method..LOL
Get a stick and a piece if plastic ribbon (like on kids bicycles) attach the ribbon to one end and then move it around in the tank to test all the different areas. Some areas will have very strong flow, and some less, but all areas of the tank need to have some kind of flow. If the ribbon drops...that is a dead spot, you need to adjust your power head or purchase another one so that all areas have flow. Bowfronts are hard, it seems you either blow everything away or not enough flow.
I have added flow to my tank with a nano PH...size is not what matters, it's the water flow current you are trying to create. You want one strong enough to do what you need it to do, without blowing everything in the tank to Kingdom come.
I couldn't sleep cause my blasted dog wants to bark at ghosts. I hope I remember this little trick when I finally wake up because right now I feel like a zombie


Hey guys been awhile. I have reduced the rock in my tank and got rid of the red slime!
I've got a question about my powerheads. My 92g bowfront i have a 750 gph hydor and a ancient old style that my uncle gave me with the tank should i buy a second powerhead same size as the hydor or r these 2 enough? Keep in mind idk the info on the old one but my uncle only used that one.


One more thing! lol I was wondering if there was any like "good" bacteria that anyone sells to promote growth in the tank bc when i got rid of the red algae i didnt have any good growth, no coralline. Anyone got any help in this department? Thnx again


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mweezy2011 http:///t/390377/new-saltwater-hobbyist/100#post_3479737
One more thing! lol I was wondering if there was any like "good" bacteria that anyone sells to promote growth in the tank bc when i got rid of the red algae i didnt have any good growth, no coralline. Anyone got any help in this department? Thnx again
Find a nice rock loaded with purple coraline algae, and get a toothbrush (fish only, not your spouses) and right in front of a power head scrub the rock. It will seed the tank with coraline spores. Also check your calcium levels and keep it between 400 and will have more coraline than you can shake a stick at. Purple up is just calcium so again watch the levels. Unless something HAS coraline on it, you won't get coraline algae. Also coraline comes in many colors, from orange to purple. My orange matured to turn red, the pink would mature to blue or purple, and the yellow matured to green.