New Saltwater Tank

aqua blue

Hello Everyone.
I am new to the saltwater world. I am starting with a fish only tank. I have a 46 gal. (40 net gallons) bowfront tank with 40lbs. of live sand giving it about a 1.5 - 2 inch base. I am using only a Aqua Clear 300 for filtering right now. I set up the tank on 6/23. I let it run for one week to settle out the temp. and salinity. I am keeping the temp at 79 to avoid any fluctuation if possible. The salinity is 1.0220 - 1.0225. I added 3 damsels on 6/30. I also added "Cycle" to help with the initial bacteria development. I tested for levels on PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate about every second or third day. The PH has stayed right at 8.2. The Ammonia peaked at .50 on 7/9. The Nitrite peaked at .25-.50 on 7/9. The Nitrate peaked at 10ppm on 7/9. The Ammonia and Nitrite started dropping on 7/17. I did a 5 gal. water change on 7/18. ( after aerating the water for 24hrs.) This dropped the Nitrates down to about 5ppm on 7/20. I started noticing some diatom brown spots and added "Green-X" media to the Aqua Clear filter to help reduce phosphates, nitrites, nitrates. This was reccomended by LFS. On 7/26 I added a Yellow headed Sleeper Goby. As of 8/3 the PH is 8.2, Ammonia 0-.25, Nitrite 0-.25, and Nitrate 10ppm. I did another 5 gal. water channge on 8/4. I will test the water again on 8/7.
My first posted question is what other water tests do I need to do for a fish only tank? And am I way out in left field as a beginner?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.


your filter is the only thing i would replace. I am ruuning the aquaclear 300 on my 20 gallon tanks. On my 26 gallon tank i am running the 500. both tank also have 1 pound of rock per gallon and a dsb. I doubt a tank that size could do very good on a filter like that. Even though the 300 says it can handle tanks that size i would only use it on a 46 freshwater not a saltwater. I would think about upgrading to a better filter maybe a wetdry or something.

aqua blue

Thanks for the advice Jake22.
I looked at a Fluval 304 but I was trying to keep the start up cost under control somewhat. I took advice from LFS initially. Now that I have discovered this site I hope to get better advice.
I was also wondering about the importance of Calcium levels in a fish only setup. How important is this?
I am trying to research and learn as much as possible and take my time and enjoy the hobby. I have a lot more time than money.
Thanks Again.


I am not sure about calcium levels for fish but i know it is important for keeping sea horses. What type if tank are you looking to set up.
The reason your local fish store gave you that filter is because they knew you would need to upgrade later and give them more of your money either that or the guy didnt know what he was doing.

aqua blue

I read a Wardley's article "Why Test Water". In the section about water hardness it said that calcium should be maintained at 400 ppm and above in salt water. This is a water test that I have not been doing. I did not know how important this was.
I will eventually swap out the damsels for nicer fish as the tank remains stable and progesses. I am thinking about a clown percula next in a couple of weeks. I was also wondering about how or if cleaner shrimp can live without live rock in a fish only tank?
Thanks Again.:)


you can buy calcium bricks and tablets. I use them in my sea horse tank but not in my fish only tank.