New sand?????


I am upgrading my tank to a 72G and have about 60lbs. of sand that I will transfer over to the 72G. i need to add about 40lbs. more to the 72G and was wondering if it would be okay to use dry arogonite reef sand or do I have to buy the water packed / live type?


Active Member
Do you have live sand from your previous tank? If so, it's fine to put the dry in and then the live sand on top. Do you have lr from the other tank? That will help seed it too. The watery sand in the bag just has bacteria stuff. If you need live sand then it would be better to get a cup or so from a fellow reefer or lfs you trust.


The 60lbs. from my old tank is live and been that way for 2 years and yes I do have LR. So i should put the new dry sand on the bottom?