new sea goblin


New Member
hello just thougt to add somthing (new) to the mix i've bought a purple sea goblin and want, to know if anybody in the swf.c (chatboard) had experience with this wonderful fish i read in the last months article of tfh mag that there more demading than loins but a second opinoin will help.....thanks...ccartag :eek:
75gal reefready/150aquaclear/ecosystem.convert
1purple goblin
1purple tang
2flame scallops
fyi if any one is intrested in the blue prints for the ecosystems filters please let me know


Over the years, I've had a couple and they are my favorite fish, by far.......easy to keep, undemanding, durable and capable of fantastic color changes over time (they will change to whatever the predominate color of the tank they are in is)
They do often require live food initially (ghost shrimp and small feederes) but can be trained over to frozen silversides, etc quite easily.
Aside from the venomous dorsal fins (VERY ouchie) use care with tankmates, as they can be picked to death by "grazers" such as Angels and Butterflies.