New Sea Pen


I just aquired a sea pen last night, after the acclimation period and introduction in the tank, its doing awesome... My clowns slept in it all night!! They seem to love it as a new addition to the tank.
My question is this... I put the sea pen on the substrate which is about 2" of sand, this morning it appears to be moving towards the live rock, do they prefer to attach to live rock verses staying in sand? also should I have cleaned off a small area of sand so that it could attach to the tank bottom instead of placing it on sand?
Thanks for any and all advise...


Sorry I got it wrong...Its a White Sebae Anemone not a sea pen... Still new and learning the species.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
lol, I was about to go crazy, when you said you put a sea pen in a 2" sand bed LOL
Well, prepare to go crazy because I have actually done it. Before anyone launches into a diatribe on why I shouldn't, trust me, I know.
I got it after totally failing to research it myself and went on LFS advice that it would be fine. My sand bed is maybe 3" at the most.
So after I get the thing, I find out that it's chances of survival are slim in my sand bed, not to mention their relative difficulty in keeping them. Called LFS.. they wouldn't take it back (I don't use that LFS anymore). So, I kept it in there keeping a close eye on it. I figured if it started to show signs of decline, I'd take it to a different LFS that would buy it from me (for 1/3 retail :mad: ) That was about 8 months ago, and it is doing outstanding. It has stuck it's foot under a big piece of LR and sits at an angle in the tank. It never moves, and fluffs up completely full every morning and contracts down into the substrate at night. Go figure.


Active Member
Well, I hope that it does well!

But, I would assume that 8 months is just the beginning, so I would be interested to hear of how its doing in another 8!
How big is your tank?


Active Member
I recovered my card reader just this morning so here is a couple pics.
The sea pen is obviously the one, and I got an absolutely wonderful pic of my BTA that I thought I should stick in and brag about.
You can see the way the sea pen sits at an angle to compensate for the shallow sand bed. I agree, 8 months only tells half the tale. I am always watching him. I figure if he shows any sign of declining I'll sell him to the LFS.. no sense in him dying in my tank if that's what he's going to do, since I'm not willing to put more sand in there.
The system pictured is a 55g.
