New Sebae Anemone


New Member
I purchased a sebae anemone on this past Sunday. It is still in the same spot as it was when I put it in the tank. Is it okay that it hasn't moved or attached yet? It looks healthy enough to me. Its tentacles are extended and they move around.
Also I was told at the fish store that I wouldn't need to feed right now that it would receive what it needed from the light. I have one Coralife 6,000k 50/50 and one Coralife 10,000k in a 25 gallon tank. My tank is deeper than it is wide.
What are some of the things that you feed your anemones?


Active Member
I would recommend you retrun that sebae, they should have metal halide lights IMO. They also like to be on the sand, where the light intensity is decreased in deeper tanks.
But for now, you can feed it 2-3 times a week with meaty foods like mysis shrimp, squid, krill, etc.