New semicircle angelfish problems

I bought a semicircle angel yesterday about 11am. I brought it home...turned the lights off...covered and covered the tank. This morning I woke up and when I turned the light on he had white stuff all over him. He shakes a lot.
My water parameters are good. NO2 = 0, NO3=0, NH4=0, PH=8.2, salinity=1.023, and temp= 79.
Is this behavior normal for adding new fish?
The white stuff is like a film. It does not look like salt sprinkles. I uploaded a photo. Please look at it. The only other fish in the tank is a small yellow tang.
as for aclimation...I floated him for about 30 min. (temp difference was only about a degree) The lights were off all day and night. I did not quarentine him. I have an old 12 gallon tank I can make a quarentine but I don't know if that is big enough. Hope this helped
The photo is @ <a href="" target="_blank"></a>