new set up, I hope


New Member
I have a 150 fresh water tank and have been told that a 28 inch high tank is too tall for light to get down to the bottom for reef things to grow. Well, my son wants that tank and I thought I'd get a 125 with ovrflow boxes in it. What equipement would you rec. to start with. I want to have Lion Fish and eel. And pointers will be appreciated. My email is


Active Member
I would use the 150gal myself. Since you only mentioned fish, lighting isnt very important.
I recommend the following equipment:
90lbs liverock(to seed the livesand).
Enough live sand to get 5+" on the tank bottom.
A hang-on berlin skimmer of similar.
2-4 good powerheads for flow
A good power filter for mechanical filtration.
A good heater and hydrometer.
pH, Alkalinity, Nitrite, Nitrate test kits.
A reef tank is another story.


Beware of the Lion Fish. It likes all creatures smaller than itself and will hunt and eat everything it can catch. I would recommend that the Lion Fish & Eel be housed together in a large tank.