new setup (advise)


New Member
Just a couple of questions! I have just set up a 48x15x18 tank with a sand bed 20kilos off Live Rock a protein skimmer 2 powerheads and an external canister filter. Three lights a marine blue actinic, coralife 10,00K hi-intensity purified super daylight lamp, and a marine white lamp.
What I would like to do is keep a few fish, shrimps crabs etc, and a couple of anemone?
Can anyone advise me on what to get first, what kind and how many of each?


Active Member
I recommend adding 5+" of live sand or a plenum system and using the canister as a pump only with filters removed before it generates nitrates in the long term.


Firefish7 - 10 damsels are a lot for a 55 gal tank, and how do you suggest he gets them out after the cycle is complete?
NUFC - I would suggest you wait for a few more replies before you run out and start putting things in the tank you might regret.


New Member
There is nothing but the lr in at the moment, can i put a cleanup crew in and what would you suggest.


I would make sure you have a good base. I used Natures Ocean Live Sand and it worked well. Try and get some good cured live rock , approx 1lb per gallon of water. This will help you cycle the tank. Or you can get a couple of green chromis and put in about half the live rock with the live sand. When I used the Natures Ocean Live Sand, 1/2 of my live rock I should have and 2 green chromis my cycle was almost non-existant. Whatever you do , dont start adding anything other than just a couple hardy fish or let the live rock perform the cycle for you. Adding too many fish will do nothing but harm the fish and possibly kill them.
P.S. Some stores will try and sell you regular damsels, I used the Green Chromis because they are less territorial then other types of damsels, and less agressive. From what I understand some damsels get very angry after going through the cycle :)


Damsels ard hardy for cycling, but tend to give you trouble later when adding other fish. You'll eventually make a choice of a damsel only tank, until you'll be able to catch it and return it to the LFS. Although not very exciting to watch (cycling LR) it does the job. I was able to add a lemonpeel angel after my tank cycled which improved the viewing pleasure.