New Setup


New Member
I am a beginner building a small reef. From what I've read, I have all the necessary equipment. On a site like this, I figured people would enjoy telling me how to start. I don't like just following the formula given in a book or two...I'd like to get input from real people.
So, I've got the water the lighting all set, the powerheads in place, the filter and protein skimmer running, the temperature steady, and the water quality (temp, pH, specific gravity, etc.) is all good.
What do you recommend is my next step?


Active Member
Have you done anything to get your biological filtration going? One possibility (the best) is to add live rock to the tank, and possibly also a substrate of live sand. Alternatively, you could throw something into the tank to rot to get the proper bacteria growing. People typically use a raw shrimp or just regular fish food. That will get your tank ready for its first inhabitants, and is probably the next step I'd take.


New Member
My next step was going to be live much is recommended for a 30 gal? i know patience is key so most likely I will test the ammonia to assess the biological filtration?


Active Member
I think people typically say 1-2 pounds of live rock per gallon of water, and likely to the higher side if you're doing a reef as opposed to a fish only setup. I have a 28 gallon setup with about 20 pounds of live rock, and I will add more over the coming months to get myself up to about twice that.


Active Member
what kind of substrate are you using??? Live Rock and other forms of natural filtration are the key, along with patience and research, which it seems like you have/are doin those 2
1 to 2 lbs per gallon for LR is a good guideline...keep us posted!!!


New Member
OK sweet you recommend purchasing the live rock from this site?
And once I get it, does live rock require acclimation? - i have read contradicting things about this.