new setup


thanks theres more on the other side of the tank and i actually just got home with another piece of tonga branch. is $7/lb an ok price from a lfs?

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
thanks theres more on the other side of the tank and i actually just got home with another piece of tonga branch. is $7/lb an ok price from a lfs?
thats what I pay


Active Member
nice looking tank, more LR would make it look better..... i can see this thread becoming into a VERY big argument...........


Active Member
lots of potential problems in there .. actually all of them are but if you get about 150 pounds+ of rock maybe you can avoid some..probably not but worth a shot


Keep an eye on the stand, they can eventually rust and weaken due to salt creep


lol, honestly i think your tank could do with a little more lr or rock that can support biological activity. But looking good i must say!


thanks, i will get some more because of all of yous sayin i should, i like more swimming room instead of rock but i see what u mean for better filtration.


First off you have some nice specimen in your tank, I especially like your lion.
on another note, do you understand the potential problems you may run into with this tank? I am not trying to flame you or tell you what to do, but i think that it is only fair if you dont, that someone tell you. If you are aware then i wish you the best of luck!


i am aware of the size of these guys and when i move into my new place in march they will move from the 125gal to around a 300gal. As for agressiveness i know that the clown trig will become a beast and possibly mess up the lion but i figure if there all together from this small size it will work out..If they start getting agressive towords each other i will seperate them.. .what do u think... thanks


its good to know that you understand the possible problems and are prepared to fix them if they do occur,
as for your tank do you have a stock list? and about how big is your lion?


the lion is about 5 inches from mouth to tip of tail. I also have"
a 2.5 inch cow fish
5 inch unicorn tang
2 inch clown trigger
3 inch hippo tang
they are all very small right now except the lion and unicorn. What size tank would u do that isnt to out of control? Like a 300? And if i did a 300 would i be able to put anything else in there? Thanks