New Show: Surface?


Anyone watched the show last night? Just wondered if anyone else got annoyed when the 2 teenagers put in sea water (with the sea monster thingy) directly into the tank. Then towards the end of the show the tank broke because the sea monster cracked it..
Yeah, just a show but still.... LOL...


Hey... What about when the mother made the remark "where are all the fish?" regarding the fish in the tank.


Originally Posted by kimC
Hey... What about when the mother made the remark "where are all the fish?" regarding the fish in the tank.
Yeah, i knew the monster was in there, but i still had to ask myself, if there was any chance for my eel to have gotten in there. lol


Well, when the kid dropped the egg in the tank we all knew it was going to hatch!! duh....


yeah, but it reminded me of him(dont ask why!!!) Is it just me, or did the center of the egg look like a big shark egg, cause i know the outside was made up. I just need to make sure i wasnt going nuts.


I saw Surface the other night and really liked it. But I agree...where the heck did the mother think the fish went? One day the fish are there and the next morning there's NO fish!!
And the kid knew how big the "alien fish" got since it almost ate him when he was in the water....did he really think that that tank was big enough??
And if I was him and came across all those eggs, I would take as many as I could and destroy them....but thats just me! LOL. Did the idea ever come into his head to call the local police?


Originally Posted by seahorse11
I saw Surface the other night and really liked it. But I agree...where the heck did the mother think the fish went? One day the fish are there and the next morning there's NO fish!!
And the kid knew how big the "alien fish" got since it almost ate him when he was in the water....did he really think that that tank was big enough??
And if I was him and came across all those eggs, I would take as many as I could and destroy them....but thats just me! LOL. Did the idea ever come into his head to call the local police?
Yeah he should of call the cops, but then the season opener and finale would be in the same episode. lol
But i agree