New Shy / Hiding Fish


New Member
I just purchased a Naso Tang and a Royal Gramma for my tank, 100 Gallon Reef with 1 Clown, 1 Psudo Chromis, 1 Lyrtail Chromis. Both new fish are very shy, the Naso will come out when no one is in sight, and the Gramma will not come out at all. I am affraid that they will not eat and die. They have been in the tank for about 5 days now. Should I be concerned, or just be patient? Does this indicate any certain water condition?


Active Member
try feeding them with the lights off.
sometimes they wont come out for a couple weeks .
the more you walk in front of the tank they will get used to it.
took my foxface a couple months to come out all the time ,now he will eat out of my hand.


It should get better in time, most fish are shy at first. I TOTALY agree with the quarantine tank. I had a big problem when my tang inroduced ich in my tank......soo....last week i made a QT tank :)
Yeah i had the same problem with one of my fish. with time they will come out. if your worried about the eating side of things, soak your food in garlic. I thought the same thing (my fish starving), and it turned out he was just eating copepods that were on the rock when the lights were off. Then i added garlic to the food and now the fish runs out to eat.