New Skimmer On Market (PIC)


Active Member
In the latest edition of Aquarium Fish mag- the CPR Bak Pak DP (dual pak) for all of us who like the use of CPR's this one is rated for 100 gallons. The 2R model on my 30 does awsome - so i would think that this would do a 75-80 well but i thin k a well stocked reef tank of 90-100 might be a little too much -NEway it looks nice


Active Member
Very nice!
I want to hook that up to my 29. I am going to be setting up a 75 gallon soon and I think I might get one of those for it. Thanks for sharing.

nm reef

Active Member
Interesting looking skimmer! I've run a BacPac 2R for close to 24 months now...its currently on my 58 oceanic FO system...still works like a champ!
For a larger reef though I prefer the EuroReef in the sump.....but CPR does make a quality hang on skimmer.


Active Member
ya it is east to find awsome skimmers for large systems- but for systems 75 gallons and under the selection is pretty limited- so im glad they put this model out