new snails?


I just got my cleaner package yesterday and i dont know what to expect from the turbo snails. They havent moved since i put them in the tank so i dont know if they are sifting sand or if they are dead. What should i expect? thanks
p.s. i thought they helped clean the glass too. Is this true?


Active Member
How ironic, I just got 6 turbo's myself. Mine were very active, and still are (day 2) since I put them in. How did you acclimate them. They don't need as much time as fish or shrimp, but do need to acclimate to their new surroundings. Temperature, salinity, ph are the big things. And yes, they do clean the glass too.


i acclimated them about an hour maybe a little less. Will hermit crabs eat snails. I'm pretty sure one my crabs was eating an upside down snail


Active Member
When you put any snails in the tank you need to help them upright themselves from the beginning. If the hermit was attacking the snail, it probably was dieing or the hermit was looking for an easy target. My snails are very active when the lights are on and off. You may have gotten a bad batch or the tank was not ready for them. Meaning, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia is off, or any of the perameters. Did you by chance test the water they arrived in? I always test the water, in the bags, to see if they have a long way to acclimate or not. If you bought them online, they do guarantee them. (Assuming the tank can handle them). Watch them closely, to determine if they have died or not.