New Snowflake*pic*


So here's a pic of my unexpected new addition to my tank. (unexpected because husband wen't impulse buying). Well anyways, I was looking at him and it looks like his left eye isn't there, as in the pic you can see he has a right eye, but on the other side its just yellow. I tried to get a pic but he wouldn't turn his head. Anyone else have this problem?? I'll try to get a pic in the mean time.

el guapo

Active Member
Yeah . It could be missing . Due to any one of reasons . It could have been born with out it it could have lost it during shipping,it might have been atacked .

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
El Guapo?, Crashbandicoot? Team Ramrod? It is getting hard to follow you burger punk

Lol yeah . I know I know . Crashbandicoot is gone for good . I am now EL GUAPO .
I am half of team RAMROD, Ruaround is the other half .