new species



I just started my tank about a week ago and i found something that i have no clue what it is. Near one of the rocks i put in there is this little floating white thing. Its connected to the ground but it looks like anemone but i am really not sure. I tried to get close to it but when i did it jsut moved into the sand. Does anyone know what this is????


Active Member
You don't give much of a discription. Can you tell us more? And you first said it was floating, but then it is stuck to the ground. Which is it?


Ok.... its on the ground right by a rock that i put in. When i get near it, it goes into the sand. It looks like clearish white tenticles sticking up but it is very small.


When i say it is floating the tenticles things are floating in the water but the actual thing is on the sand.


it sounds like aitipsia (spelling) i have some in fuge but none in display...they look a lot like your discribtion....if your tank is cycled peppermint shrimp are what keep them out of my display

barry cuda

Here's an aiptasia picture for comparison...the color may vary but the shape of the critter should be similar if that's what it is.


Yeah its looks like that except i cant see if it has the stem thing on the bottom. Thanx for helping.......


get rid of it...........NOW!!!Well thats if you have fish and inverts.
You can get some sort of shrimp to eat it.

barry cuda

Specifically peppermint shrimp, lysmata wurdemanni. Just be careful to get real ones, as I've read that sometimes other species (camelback shrimp for example) that don't eat aiptasia are sold under the name "peppermint shrimp." Peppermints are also known to sometimes eat zoos and other polyps, so keep an eye on em.


Don't rely on the peppermint shrimps. They will only eat the small ones. What works great is kalkwasser (german), aka as pickling lime. You can buy it at the LFS. Most hobbyist use it for maintaining alkalinity (dripping method) but it works also GREAT for removing aptaisia.
I use a plastic falcon tube (50 ml), add some lime powder, add some DI water, mix till it is quite viscous, heat in microwave, mix again till you get a paste. Let cool down, scoop in syringe, turn off all pumps and PH's, move slowly in water, inject ABOVE aptaisia stalk and the stuff will fall into its mouth. It will eagerly consume it, retracts, and will be dissolved....


I agree with ocean jumper on this one. When I got my sisters reef she had badly neglected it, and it had aptasia EVERYWHERE. I had so many I couldn't count them. I used pepperment shrimp and kent marine, kalswisser to get rid of them. Just take about a tablespoon of the powder and put in enough hot ro water to make kinda pasty, and get a meat injector or something like that, and put a couple of drops on each of the aptasia's mouths and they melt away in a coulple of days. Pepperment shrimp only eat the very very small ones. Good luck with the aptasia, and don't be upset if you start seeing babie ones everywhere, it just means you didn't get the one out of there fast enough. Good luck, and hope I helped a little.