New stand & sump for my 150


Active Member
I purchased a new stand for my 150 and had a new sump built for the stand. The following pictures show the new set up and the plumbing that was done to hookl it all up. The new sump/refugium is about 55 gallons. He hadn't put the refugium light in when we took these shots



Active Member
I can hardly wait to get water in it and get it all put back together. The fish have been in a 55 gal tank for over a month. New setup should make for a much easier tank to maintain and service. I should have taken a before picture, but I didn't. Prior to this, the tank was running using a 17 gal sump & skimmer. Fish should be much happier in their new home.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
what kind of sump is that and what were those 3 canister things???
Sump/refugium is acrylic and is about 60 gal. The canisters are Lifgeguard's mechanical, chemical, and UV filters.


For how cool a tank that is, the aquascaping is awful. You should segregate the types of LR IMO. I would do a tonga forest on one end and have a separate pile on the other. That'll give those fish the room they need to swim. Maybe I'm seeing a bad angle? All your other tanks are sweet, what happened?


New Member
Do you have chiller issues with it being in the stand like that? Im curious because im trying to figure out a chiller setup myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rmiller429
Do you have chiller issues with it being in the stand like that? Im curious because im trying to figure out a chiller setup myself.
The are two fans built into the stand behind the chiller that do a pretty good job. If I were able to do it over again, I would try and vent the chiller out the side instead of the rear. There isn't a lot of room behind the chiller and the wall the way things sit right now. I also have to keep the front door open in front of the chiller.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
For how cool a tank that is, the aquascaping is awful. You should segregate the types of LR IMO. I would do a tonga forest on one end and have a separate pile on the other. That'll give those fish the room they need to swim. Maybe I'm seeing a bad angle? All your other tanks are sweet, what happened?
I didn't realize that it had been so long since anything had been posted to this thread. I'll try and post an updated photo from the tank and see what you think of it. Looks so much different after nearly a year....


Active Member
jus stopin by to say thats a very nice tank, a lot of color witch i look for in saltwater, thanks for givin me a good idea about 150 gallon tanks


out of the 3 fish picturs of fish u posted, what type of fish is the last one some sort of wrasse? is he reef same hes amazing


Im a retard. I didnt even see this thread was a year old... And yet it looks like I opened a can of worms. Yeah, you think you could post a new pic? This tank just doesnt look like it belongs to you...