New Start Up? Will it work.?

new jack

New Member
After a couple months research I think I've finally found a system that I want and should be able to keep. This will be my first saltwater project so I am not sure yet. I have a 20 gallon tall. Dual bio wheel 330 gph. I am putting bio balls in the back for extra nitrification. 1 120 gph powerhead for current and aeration. 20 lbs. live sand 15-20lbs lr. also some dead coral and regular rock. 3 15 watt NO fluorescents. 1 actinic 1 10K and 1 50/50(is there a better combo) I want to put in 2 percula clowns, scooter blenny, 1 domino damsel, 1 unknown yet but small fish. As for the cleanup crew, 10 snails(any suggestions), horshoe crab, 1 or 2 shrimp(any suggestions), about 6-7 crabs (any suggesitons), and a starfish (any suggestions) For corals I am looking for something hardy, non-aggressive and obviously LOW light. This is what I have come up with. 1-2 blue mushroom(s), 1-2 green striped mushroom(s), 1-2 red mushroom(s), 1 green stary polyp, and possibly a colt(will it live). I don't plan on putting in 2 of each one I mentioned but I figure total I'll have probably 6-7 corals. So i guess my question is, can I make this work? If not, what needs changing and for what reason. I would also like to know when I should put in everything in relation to the cycle and in what order. I don't want to put in anything unless I have at least a 75% chance it will make it. I'm not too fond of throwing money away. Thanks for your time.


Active Member
Ok, you really have asked too many questions for a simle answer.
Lets start with the basics.
You said a "20gallon tall".
I'm guessing a 20 gallon tank. Is this right?


Well lets see where to start. As far as fish go I would go with the 2 percs and the scooter only. Since you are going with some corals as well. With a 20 gallon you are a limited. You do not want to overcrowd or have a very heavy bio-load. As far as what kind of snails Turbos, Magarita, Nass and Cerinith (sp) are all good. Fighting Conch are also very good for sifitng the sand. As far as the horseshoe I think you may not have enough space. Other crabs Scarlet Reef hermits, Emerald, and Sallylightfoots are good. Cleaner shrimp and Coral Bandid Shrimp both have great personalities and are very lively. I think you should be able to keep Mushrooms but I think that is about it. IMO. You should wait until your tank has completly cycled before adding anything to it. Then after it is done add the fish very slowly. One every 3-4 weeks. HTH

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a well researched/designed plan. I'd seriously consider cutting back on the fish for a 20 gal system. Maybe a couple of perc's...maybe the blenny.With the lighting you plan to use mushrooms/polyps may do well. I would definitely insure a complete cycle then let it mature/stabalise a while prior to adding any corals.
By the way its great to see someone think things through...make a plan...ask questions ...before they through it all together then ask..."what the heck is going on?"
Below is a well put together link that may help in your plan/design. Hope it helps and I hope you system works out.
<a href="" target="_blank">reefs 101</a>


Looks like you've put alot of thought into this. Is this your first tank? As for the setup, I would suggest leaving out the Domino Damsel. Damsels in general are aggressive and territorial, and you definitely don't want that in a 20. Next, I would leave out the Horseshoe crab. They get big and can be very destructive by knocking things over. They always seem to end up getting wedged between rocks somewhere and dieing. I would go with either blue legs or scarlet reef hermits for your crabs. Alot of people don't like crabs (especially hermits) in a reef, but IME I have never had problems with them at all. Margarita snails IMO will work great in your tank. As for the Colt, I think you could make it work. Try to put it higher in the tank as to get alittle more light. HTH Good Luck!

new jack

New Member
Thanks to all for replying
I am going to the store to buy water and rocks for my tank tomorrow. I am very satisfied with the respones as I will not have to make too many sacrifices. I plan on getting 2 clowns to start and then I'll add 1 or fish depending on my levels. I am still wondering if i can get a starfish. If so how much bio load are they and what kind should i get. Thanks much.