New Start Up

new jack

New Member
I've had fresh water fish for many years now, but I am geting tired of not being able to buy the cool looking fish on the other side of the pet store. I've been intimidated of setting up my own salt water tank mostly due to lack of knowledge. I have a 75 gallon tank, but I am hesitant of halting my freshwater project for something that might not even work out. So, I've decided to use a 20 gallon tank to start my salt water experiment. I already have a bio wheel 330 filter, and I was told that if I put tile spacers in the back compartment along with charcoal filters in the front it would be alright for a salt water tank. I also have a power head to provide current. If I only want a few fish in there like a couple clowns, maybe a tang and lion,do I need more filtration? I also don't understand what kind of light I need and why I cant use my regular light. Final question, If I wanted to have a tank with starfish or crabs or annenomes what more do i need. Any help would be most welcome. Thanks for your time.


Active Member
Welcome to the wonderful world of saltwater!!! first of all you WILL encounter some differing opinions, remember they are opinions, so remember, your tank, your $$$, your decision.
First and foremost you need patience!!! In this hobby good things come to those who wait, and better things come to those who wait longer :D !
There are many Ques that need to be answered, Do you want Live sand or Crushed Coral for your substrate? Most on here will say sand, I have done both and have had success with both, IMO use the sand. It should be atleast 4 inches deep, the benefits of sand is its natural filtration and the looks, dowwnfall, is the price. Do you want live rock? This also helps in filtration and no tellin what you can get on a nice piece. As for lighting well thats another longwinded post! Get your tank set up and get the nitrogen cysle goin. Take a piece of shrimp, coctail like you get at a seafood market, and throw it in there. Monitor you amonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. Once your amonia and nitrite levels are a (zero) and you see a nitrate spike the REAL fun is about to begin.


Also, just my 2 cents.....PLEASE buy books and READ everything that you can, unfortunately the LFS hire people that really dont know what they are talking about ALOT of the time, and to someone who doesnt know the ins and outs, these people can make perfect sense, until they get your money and your tank crashes..
I dont think I have EVER had a question, no matter what time of day or nite, that people werent able to answer correctly right here..LOTS of GL to you
~Sue :rolleyes:


New Member
I'm new too and have waited 2 weeks for my tonga branch rock. I have 16 pounds if rock in there now and am all set up. Rock is due in in two days. I am totally excited. Good luck to all new people and me! I have a good mentor thats helping me along


Hey, good luck Fishkeeping, but in a 20g you couldn't keep the fish that you said that you wanted for the fish you said you would like to have i would reccomend that you use the 75g you spoke of. Also it would be a good idea, like previously mentioned, to get a good book and read as much as you can, even read some of the posts in here! Good luck ;)

sinner's girl

The clowns will go in the 20gl, please do not put a tang in a 20! yellow min 55gl, others even 75+gl (they like to swim around).
normal lights will work will just the clowns and most other fish and inverts (stars and crabs).
For annenomes you will most likly need better lights, it's all covered on here, just look or ask.
look into adding some lr.
hang out here for awhile, ask questions, you'll learn lots
good luck, and remember take it slow!


Active Member
Dont be intimidated by saltwater, its not that bad. I felt the exact same way when i started keeping SW fish over 5 years ago. A co-worker came by the house, saw my FW tank and said if I wanted too I could convert to SW for about $20. Well the first thing I learned was that $20 in SW dont go very far.
I know this has been beaten to death but it is the best way to start. READ, READ, and READ some more. Knowledge is power. The more information you take in about SW fish the more intrigued you will become.
I think you will find this message board as a valuable asset in your quest for information as well.
The first piece of advice I can give you is do not put a couple clowns, a tang, and a lion in a 20 gallon tank. Way too overcrowded not to mention the tang and lion will be much happier and healthier with more space.