New Startup Tank


New Member
For 8 years, had a 60g corner FO in CA up to last year, when I moved to Las Vegas. Am starting a new FOWLR+ and would like comments on my configuration and planned process:
72g glass Bowfront on black wood stand w/eggcrate (no top)
TetraTec PF500 w/Heater
Aqua-C Remora Skimmer w/MJ1200
Orbit 4x65 PC w/Moon
1 powerhead
Undergravel platform (not filter)
Medium Aquafuge Refugium on back
Assemble tank & stand
add (uncured) base rock structure, elevated on gray PVC
Have cured seawater delivered
add 4 raw shrimp
Sit for 3 days
Turn on filter @ 3 days
Turn on skimmer @ 10 days
Establish and maintain balance for 2 weeks (maybe takes 6?)
Order 50# small Live Rock and add upon receipt
Turn on lights
@ Ammonia and Nitrite = 0, for 1 week
Order 50# Live crushed Coral+Sand and add upon receipt
@ A & N = 0, for 1 week
Start adding livestock 1-2 at a time thru quaranteen process
I'd appreciate any comments on the process and any equipment substitutions. Also, if a sump is highly recommended, what type/size?


personally i recommend vho lighting over PC.. if you are going to add uncured LR you won't need to add the shrimp for the cycle.. anytime you add that amount of uncured LR (relative to tank size) you are going to have a cycle... which brings me to the delivered seawater.. i assume you want to do this to avoid cycle?? if so i would skip out on that and just mix my own because i don't think you can avoid a cycle with that amount of LR.. this is just my opinion.. good luck with the new setup!!


New Member
L - thanks for the prompt reply. If I go VHO, what configuration/wattage and any source do you recommend? Thanks for the tip on the uncured LR starting a cycle. Regarding the delivered water, for $78 for 100g, it's a matter of ease vs- difference in cost. It takes quite awhile for me to mix up 70g of RO water from my filter. I'll mix my own for the monthly 10% water changes.


well, on my 75 i run 4 vho's with a magnetic ballast. icecap is the most popular brand of ballast. you will want to go with the uri bulbs - i run 2 super actinic and 2 superwhites. it gives the tank a natural look but with enough actinic to bring out the color in corals. i noticed that you said FOWLR+ but with 4 vhos you could do a nice reef (no sps or clams). you could probably do the same with the pc's but its pretty much a consensus that vhos give better coralline/coral growth over the pc's. now because i said that several people are going to argue that pc's are just as good but to each their own right? it's nice to know that you already have an RO and won't be using tap. anywayz good luck again! oh yeah hehe my i almost forgot my signature - this is must my opinion :D


I never had VHO but do have PC's. Why do people say they are better? Are they better or is it preference? Look up hellolights. Great site for any lighting need. Good prices but sometimes ---- could be cheaper.


Active Member
My first question is what is the UGF plate for?
Then I think you can eleminate some of you steps, instead of cycling the water with the shrimp just cycle with LR and add your sand at the same time, no crushed coral, you only want oolitic (sugar) sized sand. You can also run your filter from Day one, no need to let it sit. Skimmer on or off during the cycle, frankly I don't think it matters much either way. As far as PC vs VHO, I like both, and I think PC lights last a bit longer than VHO's do.
I definetly prefer a sump/refugium over any HOB, just look for DIY stuff, it is really easy and much cheaper to set up.


New Member
L - thanks for the tips. I'll look into some of the differences.
E - thanks, I'll look into the alternatives.
B - the UGF plate becomes height for sculpturing the media and an area for media cultivation that "eaters" can't get into. Supposidly it gives a similar effect of a DSB, without the media. I haven't experienced any downsides to it over 3 tanks and ~ 15 years, but maybe someone who knows some and will share. Thanks for the thoughts on the sump/fuge over the HOB.