new stuff


tuesday i got some new things for my tank! i got a baby false percula clownfish. i love him...he's only like 1 1/2 inches long. i also got a yellow gorgonian, 7 zoo polyps, and umbrella mushroom, 2 nassarius snails, 1 bumble bee snail, and a sally lightfoot crab. i love all of the new additions and would post pics but im still trying to figure it out.


thanks for the advice on the bumble bee. ill prolly get rid of him, but itl be hard cause my sis picked him out and she wont b happy

ohh, when i came home today my gorgonian had every single polyp(not sure of the proper termanology....the white things that feed it). it looked pretty cool.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
i'd get rid of the bumble bee snail, they will sometimes snack on polpys.
What? I've never heard that one before! I have a dozen of them in my 55 and they've never touched a thing. (i also have on in my 2) I supose anythings possible. I wouldn't get rid of him unless you catch him in the act. I'll defintly watch mine more now.


larryndanna, u look just like this couple i saw last year in St. Lucia that wer gettin engaged at Windjammer Landing. i think they wer from louisianna or mississipi. does that happen to be u two?


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
larryndanna, u look just like this couple i saw last year in St. Lucia that wer gettin engaged at Windjammer Landing. i think they wer from louisianna or mississipi. does that happen to be u two?
nope, we did plan to go there for our honeymoon....either windjammer landing or another one, can't remember which....then we decided to go to Costa Rica. The avatar pic is from a cruise last year in September.