new stuff!


i went to my lfs today and got some new stuff! got some xenia, frogspawn, zoos, cleaner shrimp,snails, hermits, and a feather duster. unfortunatly some things have gone wrong
. my cleaner shrimp died during acclimation
. my rocks for some reason keep falling over, and lastly my sixline wrasse is attacking all of the snails. im not sure why the sixline has turned evil suddenly, but he wont leave them alone. im gonna take him in to the lfs tomorrow. any way, hopefully everything will acclimate properly and be back to normal by tomorrow.


Use some marine epoxy to glue your rockwork together. Some snails are notorious for knocking things over. Check out this sites acclimation video. It should help keep your new purchases from dying in the future. I've got no idea what to tell you about the fish attacking your snails.


Active Member
Don't have too much fun trying to catch the sixline. Be patient, could take a long time, very hard to catch it tank with hiding places.


i caught my sixline after only 15 minutes yesterday!!!!i used a homemade fish trape (modified water bottle)
.right now he is in my back filter compartment but im taking him to the lfs later today. my xenia has an area of it that looks dead, it is kinda shrivled and floppy. im not sure what to do.


Xenia has a tendency to look crappy when the water quality isn't top notch. Do a 20-30% water change and see if it perks back up. Your system might not be mature enough to fully handle the waste from your inhabitants. If that is the case take the sixline to the LFS as planned and just let the tank mature a bit more before you add anything else.
It can take quite a while for the little microfauna to fully populate a tank and it takes even longer when you've got a fish eating most of it.


how long does it need to mature? the tank has been up and running fine ever since the cycle finished in january.
i did a water change before the xenia went in and now again after so hopefully ill get it back...its not looking so good right now though.


oh yeah... the sixline is at the lfs now too. im gonna miss the little devil, he was my first saltwater fish ever and i got him right after my cycle finished.


Active Member
Great job catching that bugger so quickly. Mine took me a long time and a lot of work, he was trapped in my overflow tower. Xenia, like said can be hit or miss sometimes. I've had tanks before where they would shrivel up and die back in no time at all. Currently I have 2 different kinds in my 120, they are doing pretty well, don't spread to fast. I do dose Iodine daily, maybe test for this and see if it is low. I would recommend an Iodide solution to start out with, safer than Iodine which can be harmful if too much is added. I would say as far as tank maturity, about a 12 to 18 mos., I'm sure people will disagree with that, but that is just my opinion.


cool, ill need to look into supplementing my tank. the xenia's arms have all fallen off
is there any chance that they will grow back??? it looks like there are some stumps on it that are perky and not sagging.


I thought xenia liked a nutrient rich enviroment? Anyway be carefull what you wish for. I have xenia in my 4 month old 20g and Ive been getting rid of, and fraging it for a month now. When it does well, it does WELL. Hows about some pics?


i would LOVE to post pics.... but i have tried before and for some reason our computer is soo slow. last time when i tried to upload some of my pics it took 40 minutes to get 1 picture. i will still see what i can do because i have been wanting to post pics for some time...then others could see exactly what i try to explain