new sump for 260 shark tank


shark bait

I am looking to get a new wet/dry system for my tank. 3 " of live sand and 36 gallons of tonga live rock. The system is ultra clean, and most of the bio is from the live system. However I will not take a chance with the shark, the current media system is said to run a 500 gal tank, but it has a major water loss issue and my top off sys is to slow. So Has any one used the new Ehiem can sys? i would like to run 3-4 cans and cut down the water loss issue.
I would add the cans to a 10 gall and cycle it with dead shrimp and add one can after 2 months and put one in the sys every month to keep the bio load change as small, to none. these new cans are almost as good as sumps and some of the guys around the water hole are looking to dot he same thing.
Thanks for any thoughts good or bad.

shark bait

yea the eheim 2229 will take a load up to 150, and 3 would work I think. Also the new fluval x5 workd on a 400gal so i might run 2 of them. Not sure. Just want to get away from the sump.


Active Member
IMO with a sjhrk or any alrge eater liek that i dorsonally dont think jus can filters will handle it.
are you going to run a skimmer? if you run a MONSTER oversized skimmer you may have a chance, but then again without a sump i dsont know how you can run a big skimmer?

shark bait

true, i have a good hank on skimer, but the new cans say they can run so many gallons some eheim even claims to beter than a common wet/dry sump.


Active Member
im not saying they may or may not be better than a wet/dry..
all im saying is IMHO you cannot get away with a bioload from a shark without a very good skimmer... And ic ould be wrong but i dont think they make hang-on skimmers for a 260 gallon tank ??

shark bait

well that was a concern, but this would cost alot in new gear and in the end may not be as good. I have sump that has 1 micron bag, foam pads bio balls and a kent rocker with a in sump skimer and a 300 gal rate uv. It also has a 10 gal fuge. so It is alot of stuff, and a lot of surface room to loose water. Any better sumps then? May be more efficent than what I have. Maybe an all in one that I dont know about.


Active Member
IMPO if youre going with a tankwthis big and it will houseany agressiver species/eaters, i suggest buying a 75-100 gallon ytank and making it into a sump/refugium, thats hwat i have and i cant complain at all! anythign smaller you will only spend more money in the long run trying to fix what you messed up.. and as i said you need to run a monster skimmer on this kind of tank.. my skimmer is rated for 500 gallons

shark bait

I know a custom one like I have is the best but I know things have changed in the last few years. So what is a good all in one sump?

shark bait

Thanks found the shark a new home and this tank is now going to cycle a new setup. I am going to use your idea on the skimmer and make a new sump so this will come down. But I still have up my main sys and the smaller tanks. Thanks