New SumpFugium Plan


Active Member
Hey, I've never really posted in this forum, so I'll briefly describe my setup/plan. I have a 75G, with 225 lbs LR and 400 lbs of SD in the entire system. However, I no longer need a Sump to hold Bio-Balls and the like, but still need a place for a Skimmer, plus the tank needs circulation, so I still need the Sump in place. So, I decided to use it as a Refugium, but wasn't sure if this would work. The main purpose of the SumpFugium would be to aid in Denitrification, as well as serve as a place for injured corals and/or fish or inverts to recuperate and recover. It starts with an Overflow, which leads to a "Bio-Tower" now filled with LR, which has it's base set in sand. The water flows into the first LR stage, and flows throuh holes drilled in the Bio-Tower, and into the main Refugium area, which has a DSB, LR, Caulerpa, and Lights, as well as a Hang-On Skimmer. This main area is to be lit, but I'm not sure yet as to what I should use. The water is then returned to the tank via a Mag 7, which is hooked up to a Spray Bar. Does this all sound good?


Refugiums seem to work best with a slower flow, so you could build a refugium inside the sump allowing for slower moving water in the refugium, yet a nice flow through the whole system. Just an idea....