New Suncoral


Active Member
Here is a pic of my new Suncoral I got today. Still adjusting to the tank but gosh are they beautiful. I did give it a tiny bit of food as well. But I would like to know about the flow it should be in. Should the heads be really moving or move it to the side of the flow a bit??
I am using a hob filter so I don't know if the coral should be placed right in the flow are of the filter or off to the side a bit??


Active Member
Beautiful coral.. I wouldn't put it in any direct flow... and just make sure to keep feeding it :)


Active Member
Looks great Deb. Take a full tank shot so we can see how close the sun coral is to the filter. Sun coral will do well in high flow areas but if they are placed inches away from a powerhead or filter that might be to much.


Active Member
Thanks all for the replies. I don't have a powerhead in this tank as i would have no sand left in it nor water either. Its 5 gal
The Aqua Clear pours right back into the tank Tom are you familiar with them??
Some say like yourself no flow is ever to hard for a suncoral but I have just pushed it off to the side a bit so it does not get blasted as this is what some hob filters can do. But I can also control the flow on the filter as well.