new suncorals ID snail please


went to my LFS today and they had in some sun corals which i asked for, i picked out a rock and he said i was lucky, not only was there sun coral on it, but an oyster and lots of barnacles
well as it turns out, the rock that i thought the sun corals were on, was the oyster
its a massive oyster about the size of a softball covered in sun coral and barnacles, very cool looking
however when looking at the bag, i noticed a small snail, its about a quarter inch from tip to tip and i thought i saw a previous thread with a similar snail but i couldnt remember if it was bad for corals or not
please ID it if possible before i put it in my tank, thank you!


Active Member
looks like a type of whelk or conch. in the sump!
just make sure there's no hermit in it hehe


Active Member
Do you still have the snail? Did the opening look something like this?

If so, it's a wentletap..... Epitonium spp.
Don't throw him if you still have him :)


yes i still have it and no it doesnt really look like that, unfortunately tis a whelk
looked at more pictures and thats what it looks like to me


ha, besides probably being rare, does it do anything fancy? if it was a wentle i would have sent it to you


Active Member
I had a sundial snail tank for the longest time. I had a wentle for a short time.... their appetites were crazy and I couldn't keep it in food. Mainly I like to photograph them and watch them for a bit.