new tang acting funny


Hello! I bought a blue hippo tang yesterday from a lfs. It acclimated very well and is eating like a pig but today I noticed that it is rubbing against my turbo snail quite a bit. I am worried that it might be some kind of fungus or something. Is there anything that I should be worried about or do for the fish?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kevine6678
Hello! I bought a blue hippo tang yesterday from a lfs. It acclimated very well and is eating like a pig but today I noticed that it is rubbing against my turbo snail quite a bit. I am worried that it might be some kind of fungus or something. Is there anything that I should be worried about or do for the fish?
Hippo Tangs are ich magnets... crush up some fresh garlic dribble the juices on a chunk of raw shelled shrimp and feed it to him. It will help build his immune system. Raising the tank water to about 82 will also help build his system up.


Active Member
ich seems to come and go with tangs.
also add zoe to the food its vitamins
what size tank is he in and how big is he?
i saw your profile and if you bought the tang for a 55 gallon you need to stop listining to the lfs and do more research before you buy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kevine6678 http:///forum/post/3043245
ok, my tank was at only 76 so I turned up the heater and I'm going out to get some garlic right now.
This may work; but I think you're in for a real ich problem. Garlic,etc can help healthy fish fight back; but this fish is stressed from transport. Ich is also, extremely contagious and there is a good chance all your fish will be attacked by the parasites. (This is why a QT is essential).I'd read the thread in the disease section and be ready to fight an ich outbreak if it occurs. Your lfs may suggest one of the new ich remedies; but I doubt they work. IMO, only copper or hypo will cure ich---if that's what this turns out to be. Here's the thread, good luck!


Active Member
it might not be icks. blue hippos r known to rub against objects. just monitor it for any white spots. as for raising the temp to 82, i'd just leave it at 76-78.


Active Member
+1 78 degrees is fine.
cruching garlic is in all reality not going to happen for very long .too much work kents garlic to help the appitite and zoe for vitimins and minerals.
as long as the fish is eating good the ich will usually die off .
man there is just too much literature floating around that people read and believe. raising the temp of a tank actually speeds up the ich cycle,so if it isnt treated the ich will spread faster.raising the temp doesnt help the fishes health.


Originally Posted by deejeff442
+1 78 degrees is fine.
cruching garlic is in all reality not going to happen for very long .too much work kents garlic to help the appitite and zoe for vitimins and minerals.
as long as the fish is eating good the ich will usually die off .
man there is just too much literature floating around that people read and believe. raising the temp of a tank actually speeds up the ich cycle,so if it isnt treated the ich will spread faster.raising the temp doesnt help the fishes health.
wow, it speeds it up huh? I'll have to turn the heater back down than. I actually am not sure that it is ich. There is absolutley no spots on the fish and I have been watching this fish at the pet store for a good 3 weeks before I bought it to see how it was handling life in captivity. The colors on it are amazing and it is eating very well (and I give it a veriety of foods). It doesn't appear to be "panting" and in all I believe that it is a very healthy fish, I just happened to notice that it is rubbing against stuff and I've been having bad luck with fish latley and I want to be extra careful with this one!


Active Member
i would take bobs advice on the scratching and not worry yet.
just keep them healthy and they will fight off ich .
i make my own food ,i have 5 tangs and i make my own food.
just get some raw shrimp,krill,scallops,clams.(as much as you can find of these)
i add a can of flake food some kents garlic and zoe blend .not too much to a paste .put it in some ziplocks flatten out and freeze.
they will be nice and healthy


Active Member
Also do not forget to give them LOTS of algae and greens like romaine oand other stuff. Mine go thru Nori like it is going out of Styl. Nice to have a FIL that lives 2 blocks form an Oriental market I get mine in 50 sheet count packs sushi grade unsmoked and mine flip out.


I've been feeding whole shrimp soaked in fresh garlic and today it does not seem to be doing the rubbing as much and it looks great