new tang in my tank


Active Member
good luck elan, thats a gorgeous powder brown/goldrim....good luck, these guys are extrememly hard to keep alive and are ich magnets, just liek the powder blue and many other tangs!
good luck


thank you.. i've seen him at my LFS for the last several weeks but refrained from adding him in order to let my tank settle in from the last fish addition (2 sailfin gobies)...
He hasent presented any ich at the LFS and i know the LFS treat all the fish only tanks with a small amount of copper based medicine.
why do you say these are ich magnets by the way?
I will keep my fingers crossed...


he is already eating algae in my tank and swimming though the holes between the rocks...
another question too... i am about done with adding fish to my tank..well... maybe another one or two after a few months...
here is a listing of what I have.
two peculia clowns
three fire gobies
one eyelash goby
two sailfin gobies
5 blue/green chromis
and the newly added tang (now my favorite :D )
any other fish i should add to the list? I am looking at something like a mandarin once my DSB is so established, i wont be able to see the sand in the middle of the night......(and i am almost there, it looks like a cockaroach farm when the lights go off)


yup... it got ich:( now i have the pleasure of setting up another tank to hypo all my fish... just when i got all my rock the way i want it, i will have to take it all back out to catch all my fish :( :(


thanks rabid.... but as with everything that goes wrong... i will have the experience on how to fix it.


i have been wondering that as well... my guess is that he already had it...and the stress weakend his immune system... but i dont get why it keeps coming back.


Tank looking great....and that fish. Amazing! I am not personally a fan of powder brown tangs, but that one is especially nice! I like him!


nice white cheek,
the white cheeks are actually hardier than the powder browns. i second the cleaner shrimp and garlic before you try hypo. it might just be from stress and the shrimp and garlic might cure it before you go into hypo. IMO
i'm sure he'll pull through looks really heathly. how much did u pay for him?


sorry to hear that it got ick, but tangs often do. This is prob due to the fact that they have a very thin mucus coat around their body. This mucus coat serves as protection against parasites (ick) and other ailments. Because tangs have a thinner coat this is prob why they get ick more easily.

nm reef

Active Member
yup... it got ich now i have the pleasure of setting up another tank to hypo all my fish... just when i got all my rock the way i want it, i will have to take it all back out to catch all my fish
First it is a great looking fish....I agree with skilos that it looks like a A. Nigricans or whitecheek tang....not sure about how hardy they are compared to other tangs...but I am sorry to hear you've got problems to deal with.
This can be a good example though of why a good quarentine program should be used for all fish additions to a established system. If time and care is allowed to prevent introduction of the parasite then you'd avoid having to tear down a well established system in order to provide treatment.
I agree also with the advice of garlic treatment for minor has been reported to be effective...but if the infestation is major and has spread to other fish I'd seriously look at removing all the fish and seek the advice of Beth on hypo-salinity to effectively deal with the problem.
best of luck.....:cool:


Active Member
It's definately a Powder Brown, and not a whitecheek.
Powder browns have a long white line going the length of their head from the eye to the tip of the mouth. Whitecheeks have TWO white spots on their heads. One small one under the eye and another in the opposite direction by the mouth.
The Powder brown's fins also have the yellow at the bottom like the above picture, while the whitecheek has a solid black fin.
Also, do whitecheek's have any orange on them?
I only noticed all that because my LFS brought in Whitecheek's last week which were sold as powder browns....wasn't until he looked it up did he find it to be called a whitecheek..aka gold rim surgeon.
But the one in the pic above is definately a powder brown.


Active Member
I think elan may be referring to the lawnmower blenny as they are sometimes called an eyelash blenny.


Active Member
The tang you have is a Powder Brown (Acanthurus japonicus). Here's a picture I found of a White Cheek Tang:***********.com/images/products/large/pw73941whitecheek_tang.jpg
I attached a picture of My Powder Brown Tang. I've never had any problems with him. He's never had any diseases.
Raise the temp to 83
Temprature only affects the speed in which the parasite multiplies. The lower the temp, the slower it multiplies. The higher the temp, the faster. C irritans optimum temp is actually 86 degrees. Any temp required to kill the parasite would also kill the host fish. The theory of raising the temp is only slightly affective as it will promote the parasites free swimming stage more often, making medications more affective. Hyposalinity will work no matter the temperature.
I attached a picture of my Powder Brown :)