New Tang won't eat


Hi, we bought a new yellow tang yesterday and she won't eat or come out of the rocks. THe water parameters are perfect. We had another yellow tang which died a few months back after Hurricane came through and we lost power, but the tank has been up a running perfect since... She seems real timid and shy... ANy ideas??? :notsure:


Active Member
When I started adding garlic extreme to seaweed strips, my tang went nuts over it. I also use formula one pellets which have garlic in it but not nearly as potent as the garlic extreme.


New Member
Your tang should be fine. They can take a while to adjust to there new home. Mine took about three days before it even came out of the rocks and it was a week before it ate. Give it some time...but garlic never hurts.


Active Member
Put some formula 2 in there, it has added garlic. Stand back and watch to see if he eats, don't stand too close to the tank, it is still adjusting to the new enviroment. :happyfish