New Tank ? about lighting


New Member
I just started a new tank and I have a question about the lighting. (30 gal, 30 pds live sand, 15 live rock)
I purchased a 110 watt 36inch high output compact fluoresent strip-lite.(havn't used yet)
I originally want to have a reef tank, but I think I going to start with a community tank and see how that goes. Do I need this much light for a community tank?? Furthermore, will crabs, snails and others clean up critters survive with out the reef atmosphere??


Hey, welcome to the boards.
You don't need that much light but I like to look at a tank that is well lit and if you do change your mind you won't have to upgrade and pay more in the long run.
The clean up crew will be fine in the tank just make sure you don't drop your salinity if you are doing FO. The inverts like it higher. Also make sure you don't get anything that will eat the crew eathier.


New Member
Can I have anemones in a FO tank??
If yes, will this lighting be appropriate??
thanks in advance,
jonebease 'the rookie'


that light should be fine for your tank. but you might want to up it when you go to a reef. the critters should survive but that will depend on the fish. some fish like them for snacks.also you cant put anything in there that might like corals if you plan on them in the future. my tank hasabout 6.5 watts of light per gallon for my reef