New Tank.. Adding Dead Rock


New Member
Getting ready to setup my new 25g Flat back, I have about 20-30lbs of Dead Rock from a previous setup. Its been in a bucket for about 1 year, and very white with a few hints of color patchs. I plan to add 1 piece of live rock to seed this batch... My question is will this be ok to do this all in the main tank, to start the cycle ? I also plan to use Bio Sand about a 2inch bed.


Active Member
Hi there,
My advice to you is to get as much live rock as you can afford, and top up with dead rock. Over here in UK Live rock is unbelievably expensive so I have about 20lbs of it, anf 40lbs of dead. The dead was much like yours, in a bucket for 6 months from previous set up. Make sure you boil the dead rock to remove all impurities and anything you dont want on there. Then, within a year or so they will be live.
Have you considered a deep sand bed? I have just converted to one of those and they are a very good idea for the long term. All you need is 4-6" of sand (preferably all live) and it will in time become a natural filter.
To your original question, yes it should be ok for your initial cycle, as if you add too much live rock after it has cycled, you may cause it to spike, although you wont with dead rock.
Let me know if i can help any more, all the best,


Yes you can use it all, I have a 90 that I put 50 pounds of dry base rock into with two small pieces of liverock that I take out once every week and scrub with a toothbrush to help get some coralline spores into the tank. Later I will be adding more fullly cured liverock to it.


New Member
Thanks guys for the responses !
I feel its a shame to let this rock go to waste, so I figured I'd use it. Also , to be honest I don't really want get alot of live rock, I'd rather minimize my risk of getting unwanted critters such as bristle worms, and the mantis shrimp. I'm considering adding all the dead rock, and adding one or two nice solid pieces of live rock without alot of hiding spots. Hopefully these rock will help add some growth to the dead rock ?
Yep actually I'm still not sure on what size bed, but the more I think about it 3-4 inch does sound good. I'll also be going with Bio Sand.
Thanks again!


Active Member
Hey Buddy,
With the exception if Mantis, most little critters that come with LR are essential for the tank. Bristle Worms are freeky (in my opinion!) but are a good way of turning substrate and all essential nutrients. Your choice, your tank, but I would carefully think about live rock and read up on them and the critters, because it will take a long while for your dead rock to become live.
All the best and let us know what you get up to!


New Member
nice to hear from you again.
Yes, that is a small concern. With going the route I am planning there is that fear that will I still be able to run my tank with a very small amount of live critters from the 1 or 2 pieces of live rock. I will be using Bio Sand so that will contain already good bacteria and should cut my cycle time considerably.... I Just would rather not deal with mantis, or the bristle worm ewwk ! I suppose I could live with 1 or 2, but I've heard some horror stories of dozens with just one piece of rock :/