New Tank Advice


I'm looking at purchasing a 120 gallonish tank with overflow (FOWLR until I feel like spending 1000 dollars on lights) and I'm new to this... What items are suggested to go along with this? I'd like to start pricing and planning.
How big of a sump?
What brand/model protein skimmer?
What lights?
How many pounds of Live Rock (Only want to do it once)
What testing kits (specifically brand) should I buy?
I believe I need a pump for the sump setup - which brand/model?
Do I need powerheads with the overflow? If so what is recommended?
anything I'm missing?
I understand this is a lot of questions - however my only resource are forums as you guys can truthfully tell me what's necessary and recommended and tell me the right brands.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Wiluven
I'm looking at purchasing a 120 gallonish tank with overflow (FOWLR until I feel like spending 1000 dollars on lights) and I'm new to this... What items are suggested to go along with this? I'd like to start pricing and planning.
How big of a sump? as big as you can fit it the stand
What brand/model protein skimmer?Octopus is really nice

What lights?normal lights are ok with fowlr

How many pounds of Live Rock (Only want to do it once)around 150 lbs

What testing kits (specifically brand) should I buy?salifert is the best

I believe I need a pump for the sump setup - which brand/model?mag 12 would be good or mag 18

Do I need powerheads with the overflow? If so what is recommended?a couple seio's or tunze nano streams

anything I'm missing?take your time and read alot too...

I understand this is a lot of questions - however my only resource are forums as you guys can truthfully tell me what's necessary and recommended and tell me the right brands.
this should get ya started