New Tank...Any ideas???


I have a 10 gallon Aquasystem tank, I just bought it from a friend who had it for 6 years, its my first saltewater tank. Ive had it for 4 months already.
I need ideas onwhat can be done with a tank this size, Reef? (do I have enough light?) Fish Only? (what kinds and how many?) Any ideas would help.
Lighting in it is 1 5000k 9watt Daylight and 1 9wat Actinic Blue. I want to add nice live rock and change the substarate to live sand (crushed shells now). But basically want to overhaul it ANY IDEAS? HELP!
I have a pretty bad glass anemone problem, tried adding 3 peppermint shrimp but my biclor harrassed them and they all kicked the bucket, hes pretty agressive to anything I put in.
In the tank I have:
1 percula clown
1 bi-color pseudochromis
2 anemones (1 large one and one small, a division of the large one)
2 Turbo snails
(Im having trouble posting the pic, if you want to see it Ill mail it.)
Thanks for the tips,


New Member

Originally posted by scuba-Raru
I have a 10 gallon Aquasystem tank, I just bought it from a friend who had it for 6 years, its my first saltewater tank. Ive had it for 4 months already.
I need ideas onwhat can be done with a tank this size, Reef? (do I have enough light?) Fish Only? (what kinds and how many?) Any ideas would help.
Lighting in it is 1 5000k 9watt Daylight and 1 9wat Actinic Blue. I want to add nice live rock and change the substarate to live sand (crushed shells now). But basically want to overhaul it ANY IDEAS? HELP!
I have a pretty bad glass anemone problem, tried adding 3 peppermint shrimp but my biclor harrassed them and they all kicked the bucket, hes pretty agressive to anything I put in.
In the tank I have:
1 percula clown
Hey, I'm real new to the game, but I hear live sand is the way to go. Get a small bag, and try to get a few scoops from your lfs out of his tank. Good luck.
1 bi-color pseudochromis
2 anemones (1 large one and one small, a division of the large one)
2 Turbo snails
(Im having trouble posting the pic, if you want to see it Ill mail it.)
Thanks for the tips,


Active Member
I'd say 5k bulbs sound kind of low and would grow algae so that may be part of your problem, also bulbs are only good for about a year and then they start growing algae bad, I'd say with a 10gal only do a fish only tank. Once you get good at SW get a larger tank for a reef tank, small reef tanks are hard to keep stable.


Thanks for the lighting tip, What could I switch up to bulb wise?
My tank has a good ammt. of brown algae build up on the glass, I need to clean it frequently (every 2 days). I just added 5 blue leg hermits and 2 more snails to help w clean up.
Just came back from LFS and plan on putting in a 1" sand bed and and a bunch of nice LR. Guy said that I could add soft corals w available light.
Thanks for the input (even you LiquidSkys you sarcastic SOB hahaha) (glad you like the quotework) (get a job you hippie!!!)
