New Tank around Green Moray Eel


New Member
I am looking to build an aquarium around a green moray eel. I was planning on using a tank around 50 gallons but can do larger if recommended. I am curious as to any recommendations that you may have on equipment and aquatic life. Money is not really a concern. I just want to make sure that I make no mistakes first time around. So please let me know anything that you think may help. Thanks!!!
Tank - size, shape, glass or acrylic
Aquarium heaters
Filters / protein skimmer
Aquarium Lighting
Aquatic life


Active Member
tank size should be well into the thousands, skimmers should be large as well. on second thot, do not bother w/ this species, they r way to hard to take care of, have u considered another eel?


New Member
no i havent really done any research. i had always wanted a green moray eel because i was abel to swim with one about 5 ft in the caymans a few years back. do you know of another eel that will have similar features but is easier to take care of?


Recommendations are going to vary on tank size depending on what site you look up your info. Basically if you want to be in a 55 gallon, you are limited to a snowflakes or dwarfs. One site I know of a site that lists bandeds, chainlinks, yellowmouths and whitemouths as minimum 55gallon tanks.
You might be able to get away with a goldentail, but I'm not sure.
I think AW2x3 might have or have had a whitemouth, you could wait for an answer there.
If you want to stay small tank wise, go with a snowflake. They are awesome!
If you want a Green Moray, start building a dedicated pool for it.


New Member
Thanks everyone. Now are there any recommendations on equipment. I live in NYC so building a tank is not really an option unless it is easier that I think(limited tools/time). I was looking at and toying with the idea of having a custom tank/stand made. Thinking 70 gallons width 48" Height 24" Front to back 14". However they are pretty expensive and I dont know of there reputation. Has anyone worked with them before or can anyone recommend a LFS where I can find a good setup?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cagRN
I think AW2x3 might have or have had a whitemouth, you could wait for an answer there.
I do currently have a Whitemouth.
Minimum, I'd say, would be 90gal...and that's pushing it. They'll grow to around 3'.
They're also quite aggressive.
If I were you and had the money, I'd shoot for a pair of Dwarf Goldentails, if you want to make it a species only tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
If I were you and had the money, I'd shoot for a pair of Dwarf Goldentails, if you want to make it a species only tank.
i think if he has the money to make a setup for a green moray he has enough for dwarf goldies