New tank, clean up crew?


New Member
Hello All,
I have just started cycling my tank, I have about 25lbs of base rock in there and about 15lbs of live rock in also. I have also added a cocktail shimp(suppost to help out the cycle, How long should I keep this shrimp in my tank?). Also I was wondering when I should add my clean up crew, and also what you would recomend for my tank, 30H, I defently want a cleaner shrimp.
Any and all help will be appreciated.
Thanks In Advance!!


Turbo snails kick butt when it comes to algae! Those suckers are fast!
I also really like my cleaner shrimp. He is a lot of fun! I have a blood red fire shrimp that is beautiful to look at and fascinating to watch him eat.
BUT, you shouldn't add ANY livestock, until you've completely finished cycling (that is, when your ammonia, and nitrates and nitrites are down to zero- took me 4 weeks). Even a cleanup crew can die from bad water conditions.
I'm still new to this so maybe someone with more expertise can chime in!

Good luck!


I think you got it right leenie. I would add a few snails, hermit crabs(red leg), and a cleaner shrimp. That should keep your tank looking good!