New tank, cleaning crew


I have a 100 gallon tank that's gone through some bad times -- I lost most of my fish through various problems (making a newbie mistake, water and air pumps dying, power outages). I only have one yellow damsel left in the tank. I got new (and better!) pumps for my sump and protein skimmer, and redid all the piping to increase water flow.
I checked the water quality and it has 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates, and ph 8.2, so that's perfect. There's quite a bit of green algae on the porous dead rockwork, and the algae grows on the sides pretty fast too. I want to get a cleaning crew that will help keep it cleaner. I plan to add them first and then start working on getting more fish.
Here are my plans:
Market Leader reef package (~20 turbos, 20 scarlet hermits, 10 nassiarius snails, 2 lettuce nudibranches, 1 coral banded shrimp, 5 emerald crabs, and 1 sally lightfoot)
2 purple urchins
1 chocolate chip starfish
2 percula clowns (to satisfy the "NEMO!" thing for my kids)
4-5 assorted damsels
1 lawnmower blenny
and maybe 1 purple dottyback
Is there a good order in which to add the inverts and fish? Does my line-up look good? How long does it typically take for a new piece of live rock to spread the joy to dead rockwork?


Good way to start
.....I would add the inverts and than the fishes.....If it was me, I would skip the damsels and add some other fishes, later on they get agressive and territorial when you add other fishes....